Monday, September 18, 2017

Message for Tuesday 19 September 2017

Tuesday 19 September 2017

\Implicit Merit/

Moon in Virgo
|Karmically serious or challenging third| of this week lasts until tomorrow afternoon

The Bright Hermetic Epoch, beginning today, may not seem very bright because of the |difficult third| just mentioned. Yet you should be getting some solid and clear perceptions of your path forward for the next two months until November 15.

There are signs of fruitfulness and generosity either now or in the near future. If you feel like complaining or lamenting, this may be a signal that you are being indigent rather than competent.

The mysteries of life are fascinating and you may study them at home. You could be keeping up with something that, laborious, could have a powerfully good influence on the world. 

Something you have written may be viewed by someone you hadn't expected to see it, as a letter or email. Yet this has probably no bad consequences. People treat one another's confidences with confidentiality. Trust is important. 

Intelligence is able to see both sides of every issue, disagreement, or competing strategy, and arrive at some reconciliation or balance which makes sense and allows further good developments. 

There is a chance that one could be too self-centered and morose to get things done. Being industrious and careful of one's resources is the cure. Richness and success come through employment of inherent merits.

{Tuesday}  /Implicit Merit\

Cosmic Piper

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