Sunday, September 17, 2017

Message for Monday 18 September 2017

Monday 18 September 2017

\Yen for Subliminal Union/

Moon in Virgo
|Karmically serious or challenging third| of this week begins at 9:31a PT | 12:31p ET | 4:31p UT  and lasts until afternoon Wednesday

This is the final day of a Dark Hermetic Epoch extending from July 24; the Bright Hermetic Epoch will last from September 19 through November 14.

There could be awkwardness and slackness, a giving up, and a disappointment in one's skills or the present use one is making of them. Yet there is, socially, good fortune, happiness with someone special or among friends. 

There is a yen for exploration and discovery; making camp somewhere.

Basically, there are favorable conditions: a set-up for prosperity.

There is an appetite for experience amid the creative needs of life. People quicken each other's instincts toward mutual trust.

You may be impelled to experiment in unusual ways, sensing opportunities in the future.

The |difficult third| is felt as backwardness or an unhappy disposition, imagining one's skills to be blunt or inadequate. This is temporary. The Part of Fortune in the 12th sector (waning moon) suggests a need for retreat at times.

But there could be shared happiness in wonderful ways: "Two golden circles joined by a blue ribbon tied in a double bow." The nature of the day seems mostly practical, but this aspect of it spells unifying magic in some sort of interpersonal connection which probably has a bearing also on career or job.

{Monday} \Yen for Subliminal Union/

Cosmic Piper

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