Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Wednesday 25 January 2017

Wednesday 25 January 2017

\Gradual Focalization/

Moon in Capricorn   ***

A forecast for this Fortnight from January 19 through February 3 was posted last Friday and is still available and applicable.

Critic’s Notebook: Everything Is a Rating for Trump   This comes from the New York Times on Tuesday. Remember what I posted yesterday, the reading from the 19th century on the position of Trump's moon in his birth-chart, 21 Sagittarius 22:

A May-pole with a crown of flowers at the top, and a man climbing to procure it.          Denotes one whose sole object in life is popularity, and in whose organism the love of approbation dominates. 

This is so true of Trump that it in itself ought to be enough to validate the insights of Charubel, or John Thomas, the 19th Century Welsh seer. "Everything is a rating for Trump" because he continues to climb that May-pole toward the crown of flowers, which seems ever out of his reach---or he grabs one crown but that is not enough, and he is still climbing to procure another. The crowds were bigger than the media reported! The photos were wrong! There was voter fraud and so I really won the popular vote, not just the electoral! I am going to get that crown of flowers and if the world says I can't the world is lying! 

It is getting rather wearisome.

"The president is playing with fire," says Roger Cohen. Yes, he has Leo rising, a fire sign, and Mars, the ruler of Aries, another fire sign, right there within three degrees of the ascendant, traditionally the most sensitive point of a horoscope. It is amazing how the assessments of savvy media writers about Trump sound as if they were taken from astrological textbooks. Then Cohen goes on to speak of his "banal belligerence." Of course belligerence has always been associated with Mars, the male planet, although there are other and higher significations of it, such as bravery and determination to defend one's loved ones. Let us hope Mr. Trump may tune in to those at some point. 

The "banality" in "banal belligerence" is not caused by Mars but by a misuse of Martian energy. 

Then:  David Leonhardt says that Trump displays "a shocking disregard for the truth." Astrologically, this can be traced to the natal square between Mercury and Neptune in his horoscope. This has always been considered by astrologers to indicate liars, or, if not that, then those who live by creating fantasies. Lying is allowed in fiction; then it is creativity. Likewise in poetry. Likewise in song-writing and drama. For such creative individuals, a square between Mercury and Neptune can give them an ability to live out their dreams and share those dreams with others to enrich their lives.

But when that aspect goes wrong, it is just what Leonhardt says, "a shocking disregard for the truth." Fantasies---"I got the largest crowd ever for an Inauguration!"---"I really did win the popular vote regardless of the numbers!"---are touted as realities, and there is no way to label this but self-delusion or else sheer untruth, that is, lying. If Trump is not self-deluded, he is a liar, and if he is not a liar, he is self-deluded. 

In either case, he cannot blame his horoscope, but should learn from that horoscope how to live out that aspect in a better way. Putting a creative spin on things is not the same as lying about them. He needs to learn the difference.

Wednesday:  Business which has a research component, and also a friendly component, is favored. The Old Moon is dying, as it were, so we may need to regenerate ourselves in silent contemplation or rest. Then the New Moon of late-afternoon Friday will coincide almost exactly with the beginning of a Bright Hermetic Epoch extending to March 27 (exactly two calendar months this time). So we may expect to see things becoming clearer, less confusing, and more susceptible to definite organization in two more days. Today is serious and yet basically friendly. It is analogous to the period of a bud becoming full and robust before starting to open. 

{Wednesday}   /Gradual Focalization\

Cosmic Piper

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