Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Message for Wednesday 18 January 2017

Wednesday 18 January 2017

}Questioned yet Real Favorable Momentum{

Moon in Libra   ***
moon in the Via Combusta beginning at 8:21a PT | 11:21a ET | 4:21p UT (possible loss of morale, or just confusion---or a transition into a higher level of consciousness at best) (until Friday morning)   *** <

I am risking three stars, despite the Via Combusta, because of some general trends. It's a borderline day which could be depressing, then exalting, but I think most will feel buoyed upward rather than downward.

There are pleasures and entertainments at home, or in the home of a friend or someplace comfortable in the community.

There is interest in factors or people at a distance which is both professional and youth-oriented.

People are going through quite a lot of suffering, and work, and yet their orientation is becoming increasingly CELEBRATORY, as pointed out previously---and that has nothing to do with Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday (unless you are  one of the few reading these reports who is happy about his presidency). (I am trying to remain open-minded, because I see that he is restricted by his horoscope, as all are, and can do nothing it does not permit him to do, and yet that that horoscope, like any---yours or mine---is susceptible of expansion beyond ordinary limits, and so I wish that for him and for the country.) 

At present, thought about the Presidency, and Trump, is preliminary, and that is reflected in the daily charts. On the 20th (Friday), energy goes into the 10th House or house of the "superior leader" or governor and that would be natural for this interval in which someone (whether Hillary or Donald or anyone) has to become President. The people have made their choice, and now the karma sets in. Good or bad or neutral---more likely, a mingling of good and bad---we shall have our individual and collective opportunities to respond to it in a way which promotes goodness in the long run. Therefore, I have to see the inauguration as neutral; that is, some will be appalled by it, others will celebrate it, yet I have declared the mood of the world to be CELEBRATORY until the 26th, and so I think even those very unhappy with Trump's ascendancy will find something to celebrate. Perhaps it will be that they now are firming up their opposition to whatever they see as wrong in his attitudes and policies. Perhaps it will be that they see that he is not as likely to do horrendous things as they had assumed he would. At any rate, it is a good time for all, on both sides of the issues, to get things in better perspective and perhaps in HARMONY. I know that seems like an idealistic dream, but we can hope and try.

It is amazing how much one can see about people from their horoscopes, even from just their sun-signs, though for a clearer and more precise understanding one needs to know moon sign, Venus sign, Mars sign, Jupiter and Saturn sign, and ascendant (if one knows the person's birthtime; otherwise one can manage without this last). 

A while back I decided to listen to some music by Judy Collins, with whom I was not very familiar except for her most famous songs. I started listening to an album and thought, "Taurus. She has a sweet Taurus voice." Taurus is an earth sign; it also rules the throat; and is the sign of Venus. Taurus individuals (whether the sun is there or the moon or rising sign or a combination of planets) can have wonderful, mellifluous voices. I choose that word "mellifluous" very carefully. So, having made that estimate of Judy Collins, I got online and Googled her birthdate, and in fact she is Taurus by sun-sign (May 1, 1939). She also has the planet Uranus in that sign, with the sun.  I was pleased that I had guessed correctly, because it shows how valid astrology really is. 

I feel sorry for those who do not know the sun-signs, and the moon-signs, and hopefully other factors, in the charts of those they know, love, hate, or are interested in for any reason. To know this expands the mind and it is real and not imaginary knowledge. How could I have felt so certainly that Judy Collins was Taurus, by just listening to her singing, unless astrology were valid?

That of course is not the first time this has happened. Or the last. Today, in fact, I was reading in the Wall Street Journal about the man who, in Davos, Switzerland, is more or less representing Donald Trump at the World Economic Forum. Says the Journal:  "Anthony Scaramucci—hedge-fund showman, conference organizer, Trump confidant—is a Davos habitué. This year, he is also the new administration’s ambassador to the global elite."

Something about his photograph struck me. Here it is: http://www.wsj.com/articles/trump-represents-last-great-hope-for-globalism-adviser-anthony-scaramucci-says-in-davos-1484671450  I studied his face and thought, "Uncle Speck:  Aquarius!" My Uncle Speck was an Aquarian, born around 1920 in Michigan, of German ancestry; while Scaramucci was born in Long Island in 1964, of Italian ancestry. Yet I saw something of my Uncle Speck in Scaramucci and thought immediately: "Aquarius!" It was in his face. So I immediately googled him; and he was born on January 6, 1964. Someone unfamiliar with astrology might think "Oh, you were wrong, he was Capricorn!" First, that would be ignoring that Capricorn and Aquarius are both, according to the ancient astrologers, ruled by Saturn, and so are similar. They are the two predominant "winter signs" in the Northern Hemisphere. Second, it would be ignoring the even more important fact that Scaramucci was born with both Venus and Saturn in Aquarius. Since we use only ten planets in astrology (including the sun and moon, calling them planets since ancient times despite the current astronomical classification of them as stars for the sun and moons for the moon), to have been born with two planets, one fifth of the total,  in one particular sign of the twelve is a big thing, emphasizing that sign. Scaramucci is indeed an "Aquarian" in a large sense, and I picked this up merely from his photo. Voila! Astrology is so real you can cut it with a knife. I pity those so benighted as to think it a superstition.

We have a lot to do today, Wednesday, but we will be happy doing it, and feel that we are getting on top of our chosen profession, project, daily hobby or interest. That is a good, rewarding feeling, no matter how many minor obstacles intrude upon us. They are merely signals that we are in fact doing things, moving things around in our world, which is one thing we as human beings are called upon to do as part of our destiny. Mars continues to square Saturn, a challenge to keeping on trucking, but things are getting better, and I think you will see that even today, and especially by the weekend.

{Wednesday} {Questioned yet Real Favorable Momentum}

Cosmic Piper

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