Sunday, January 1, 2017

Message for Monday 2 January 2016

Monday 2 January 2016

~Stoicism Smooths the Way~

Moon in Pisces
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:00a PT | 3:00a ET | 8:00a UT   ** /
until it enters Pisces at 1:58a PT | 4:58a ET | 9:58a UT   ***
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 2:05p PT | 5:05p ET | 10:05p UT    ** |

The combination of Capricorn (three planets) and Pisces (three planets) suggests the utilization of spiritual realization and power over material conditions. The founder of Scientology had such a combination in his birth-chart and claimed that he could do such things and teach them. At another level, it is merely the acceptance of physical, ordinary-world challenges with philosophic or spiritual poise, as in stoicism or idealism mingled with common sense. 

I am nonplussed by the casual, unthinking way many people understand the Mercury Retrograde phase. Usually they dismiss it as a joke. Or else they think "Oh well, it might mean something, but I am superior to that." Those same people lose their glasses, or their wallet, or phone, or get on the wrong bus, or run out of gas, or otherwise are victims of typical Mercury retrograde situations---many of them more subtle than those just mentioned---but do not put two and two together.

On New Year's Eve I was at a party where one individual said that he had had endless trouble with his cell phone. Then another one realized suddenly that he did not have his, and tried to find it. He was not sure where to look so asked me to call him on my phone so he could hear the ring. I tried, but got the message "Number unreachable." I thought there must be something wrong with my friend's phone. But then I tried dialing other numbers, and always I got "Number unreachable." This had never happened to me before. So I told him, "My phone isn't working; you need to use someone else's." So he knocked on another neighbor's door and used her phone. He could hear his phone ringing in an unreachable place, had to make it reachable (I leave out details), and finally REcovered it. He had to REquest his neighbor's phone, REsearch the location of his phone, REtrieve it from a difficult tangle, and REturn her phone. I had to REboot my own phone and finally then it started to work normally. The story ended well but not without many minutes of seemingly wasted time, unless there was some higher purpose served, such as neighbors helping one another, which is something we don't do enough. I call astrology the science of Formal Cause. Final Cause (in Aristotle's brilliant teaching) is the Supreme's Will, that is, the intelligent cause controlling everything ultimately. Formal Cause is the temporal-spatial patterning we observe in the working out of Final Cause into Efficient Cause (technology, electricity, muscles, etc.) and Material Cause (phones, food, bodies and their activities as controlled by the previous three Causes.) That was a short course in Aristotelian philosophy.

You can believe this or not, but as I was writing the above paragraph I suddenly was unable to type. I REloaded gmail. Could not type. I closed my browser and REstarted it. Could not type. I tried to REstart the computer but it would not REstart. I had to REsort to holding down the Start button for a long time to REstart it. After that, it all worked as usual. This was at least ten minutes of my time and a lot of frustration and worry. This has never happened to me before and I have had this same computer for two and a half years. Likewise, the problem with my phone yesterday had never happened, and that phone is more than two years old. If it was not Mercury Retrograde, what was it? If you say, sheer coincidence, I would say you do not have a scientific mind and probably will not be able to understand astrology, the science of Formal Cause.

I don't know how many of you have today off, but life goes on and we can handle what we need to handle, albeit more slowly or with more interruptions and hassles than usual. It is a test of our patience, as every MR period seems to be. 

Meanwhile today is the Ninth Day of Christmas. May it be somewhat or somehow merry for you.

{Monday} ~Stoicism Smooths the Way~

Cosmic Piper

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