Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Wednesday 1 February 2017

^Challenges Met Successfully^

Moon in Aries
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues   * |
until 6:41a PT | 9:41a ET | 2:41p UT   **

There is a lot of strength, and a lot of wacky energy going in directions hard to control. We want freedom from anything and everything; but need to remember that real freedom is based on respect for the rights and needs of other human beings; otherwise it is lost into un-freedom---bondage---because of the repercussions of karmic law.

It is wise to remember that we are judged not only according to how we judge others but according to how we judge ourselves. (Hmm, that seems relevant considering that a new Supreme Court "judge" or justice has been nominated and needs to be approved by the Senate.) In other words, judging others harshly means we will be judged harshly; judging ourselves harshly means we may gain divine grace to help us overcome the faults we have discerned in ourselves.

Discussions with people are important and helpful, whether directly in ordinary conversation, on the Internet, or over the phone. People are basically friendly and good so we need to recognize that rather than wilt away into an absence from human interaction. If we are really strong and free within ourselves, that strength and freedom will not be diminished when we interact with people honestly. Rather, it will be increased.

There is a need for interaction but also a need to be, and feel, safe at home. Privacy and social aliveness somehow meld or blend. You bring the world into yourself when you are truly yourself in your own domain.

Neighbors are not excluded from that private world because they are naturally ancillary to it when your attitude to them is correct. "Love your neighbor as yourself." If neighbors present problems, one can challenge them to cease being problematic if one does it with kindness. (Sometime this is just through prayer; sometimes through conversation and interaction.)

Late morning and afternoon could be a peak time for understanding and feeling who we are, where our current plans are headed, and how to further our goals intelligently. Later, we may get tangled in complications---unless we insist on knowing the Truth rather than subsiding into imaginations, suspicions, or a baseless dream-world. People find it hard to understand one another's thinking agendas and value-systems. 

There is a need to pull back, while being courteous. Ambitions are sustained by the universe when they contribute to the fulfillment of the universe! Still, at times they will be misunderstood or resented by some. We need to be exacting on ourselves in order to meet others' expectations, which is a way of expanding and fulfilling our own. But we cannot insist that our efforts will get recognition immediately.

{Wednesday}  ^Challenges Met Successfully^

Cosmic Piper

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