Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Message for 5 January 2017 and Two Weeks beginning today

Thursday 5 January 2017

^New Fortnight Begins^

Moon in Aries ***

Good news about Mercury Retrograde! (Lasting until the 8th although the DHE, a lesser version of it, continues until the 27th.) It came to me today as I was sitting and pondering. 

We can get a "whole view" at these times. We can see our lives with actually better perspective. We seem to fumble and have endless trivial problems in the outer world, but our inner world can be crystal clear if we listen well to our inner consciousness.

Now, the danger here is that the "review" we naturally do at these times may make us depressed:  "I have done everything wrong!"  This is actually a good thing to happen because in all "reform" or 12-step or addiction-recovery programs people have to see "the error of their ways" in order to change them. But if it is too harsh or self-accusatory, too guilt-ridden, it can have reverse effects. So we have to be objective with ourselves, when we review our past under Mercury Retrograde, but also gentle. I sat here for a while today unexpectedly reviewing certain experiences in the past and thinking "We were all wrong, we all did it wrong." I meant myself plus all the people involved in those situations. Children stumbling around and doing everything wrong or making endless mistakes and never seeing what was really possible! I was happy that I saw that others as well as myself were wrong, or making stupid or pointless moves and choices. It made me feel that I am a part of the human race and that we all have to get it right, not just me. However, obviously I cannot do it for anyone else so have to begin improving things with myself.

This was a very clarifying state of mind while it lasted, and I wished I could have prolonged it and penetrated into other aspects of my life, which might have helped me even further. It is a 'whole view" which is precise, accurate, and very meaningful. I think you will arrive at some such state of mind if you let it happen. Unfortunately (or fortunately perhaps from G*d's viewpoint) we have other things we have to do to keep our physical lives going so these moments seem rare. I think that "retreat" or "vipassana meditation" vacations would be specially helpful during Mercury Retrograde periods. 

A reader wrote saying that her cat had developed a disease during this period and had to go to the hospital overnight, and now was hiding from her, not liking the treatment recommended. I replied that I have often seen that cats go through unusual phases during MR periods, either sickness or wandering or disappearing or climbing trees or whatnot. Then I felt impelled to say that I feel that just extra rest is one cure for whatever ails us during these times. That would allow us to unwind, and to have those moments of clear seeing which are essentially healing and restorative.

Also, as I mentioned, astrological research, insofar as it involves reviewing the past of one's life or others' lives with the aid of astrology, goes brilliantly during the MR periods. I have seen that many times over the years. REview and REsearch are favored, and the ensuing illuminations. These then can be used, let us hope, during the fast-forward Mercury periods or Bright Hermetic Epochs.

Another clue during MR is to  s l o w    d o w n.   Of course this is not always practicable. But so many mistakes during these times come from hurry, or getting ahead of ourselves, when our minds, ruled by Mercury, want to go backward or review things. Probably dog-walkers should let their dogs go where they want during these times, and follow them rather than lead them! That is just one example. One has to keep up with necessary schedules, whether self-employed or other-employed, but one has latitude in doing that more slowly or in a more relaxed mode which actually would save time because it would eliminate a lot of mistakes caused by getting ahead of oneself (of one's slowed-down deeper-musing mind). 

There is no easy formula for all that so we each have to find our best approach.

Today I was flustered and upset because I had promised you a fortnightly forecast today, the first using an improved method. Then I felt that I did not have time to write it and felt that I was not ready for that. Of course I would feel that way during MR. So now I wrote the above, rather than the forecast, but will try to write half of it, using three out of six major factors or sets of factors I will be using. Here is is:

Report for the Fortnight of Thursday 5 January to Thursday 19 January 2017

This (beginning technically at 11:48a PT | 2:48p ET | 7:48p UT but probably before that in experience) is the bright half of the lunar month while the moon is gibbous or fat, increasing for a week until the Full (11th-12th) and then decreasing for a week until the next dark or crescent fortnight begins on the 19th (mid-day). 

One's natural drive toward success meets with impediments, slowness, backwardness, and yet one is getting at certain unique factors in oneself which can contribute to success ultimately. One feels imprisoned while working, yet the work can lead to ultimate freedom. Opinions vary, and you have to be free to believe in and express your own. Ultimately you can do this without antagonizing everyone. There are childish-acting people around you who can waste your time. Yet they show you what humanity is at present, helping you learn to be a part of it in your own way. 

Good judgment may seem hard to come by, yet it is with you implicitly. You have enough integrity to refrain from jumping ahead too quickly into things which require more time and patience. We are orienting ourselves to both the past and the future during this fortnight, all of it within the Dark Hermetic Epoch of Mercury's relatively slow motion. So we will see that it takes time to develop perfect judgment of practical factors. We learn through experience, or trial and error, and must not be dismayed by the error because it is our teacher. You may share what you learn with friends without any arrogance. Some of what you are learning has career and business implications which are remarkable and shrewd though not fully realized yet. Earning a living may seem tedious and disadvantageous and yet when you keep at it you are strengthened throughout your being.

Your consistent personality is linked with people against whom you have to knock in order to find yourself and find more interesting ways of interacting with them. You may get ahead of yourself, eating too much, seeking too much escape or sheer pleasure, and avoiding work in a way which makes superiors reel. But reconciliations are possible. You may sense, when people disagree or collide, that there is an equivalence at work---that both are wrong and both are right in some way. So you develop personality by bouncing with the clash, to the point of being above it in order to use it successfully while expanding personal charisma as you meet differences. 

The second half of the Fortnightly Report will come tomorrow.

Cosmic Piper

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