Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Message for Thursday 26 January 2017

Thursday 26 January 2017

\Control as Growing Confidence/

Moon in Capricorn   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:19p PT |  [2:29a(F) ET | 7:19a(F) UT]   ** /

It seems imperative to keep considering the birth-chart of Donald Trump. Like it or not, he is the president of the U. S. A., and one major astrologer, Marc Edmund Jones, believed that the destiny of a nation was elucidated not so much by its birth chart (such as July 4, 1776) as by the birth chart of its current chief executive officer. 

It should be a project for all serious American astrologers, not to make flippant or sarcastic comments about Trump's chart, and leave it at that, but to delve deeply into it and try to understand the man's thinking, motivations, predilections, and tendencies from a broad perspective. These reports are intended for everyone on planet Earth, insofar as I can deduce trends and significant implications from the daily positions and aspects, as well as the longer-term ones such as Fortnightly charts. At the same time, we cannot neglect or ignore the fact that we are in a very changeful and destiny-laden situation with an unusual man at the helm of the U. S. A. and we ought to try to comprehend what that means. 

We have already discussed Trump's rising sign, Leo, with Mars there; and his natal square between Neptune and Mercury (the confusion between facts and hopeful imaginations which can lead to what looks to be [and probably is] lying [if not extraordinary self-delusion]). We have looked at the amazingly accurate predictions and characterizations of his zodiacal moon position by two extraordinarily sharp 19th-century clairvoyants. 

Today, let's think about the fact that he has two planets in the sign Cancer, Venus and Saturn, very close to each other (conjoined). I do not want to demonize the sign Cancer. It produces some wonderful people. But it has a negative side, which can be positive if used in the right way. One of those negativities is over-protectiveness, or in other words, paranoia. An astrological friend long ago, when we were both aspiring astrologers in New York City, always called Cancer the sign of paranoia. Witness Donald Trump! Two of the ten planets used by most astrologers (I give little or no attention to asteroids or Chiron, etc.) in one sign means a very strong emphasis in that sign. Cancer rules the breast and the chest and its bones. That is, the shield protecting us. It is a defensive sign, often. I have been perplexed by the seeming conservatism of Cancer individuals. They want to preserve what is best from the past, and seem frightened of change---and sometimes of anything foreign or likely to upset their settled way of living. 

Now, here it comes:  The Wall! Mexicans are potentially drug-dealers or rapists; Muslims are potentially terrorists; let's keep them out!  Now no matter how the internationalist or "liberal" commentators spin this to mean racism, it has a certain plausibility, especially perhaps to Americans since our country (I do not entirely ignore the birth-charts of nations) is Cancer (July 4). We have natural protective walls, the two oceans, and cannot even imagine what it is like to be surrounded by hostile or dangerous nations, as the Europeans frequently have been, and Middle Easterners, Asians and Africans are at present. We are so lucky in our "natural protective walls" that we have become hysterical about the slightest infraction of them. And so Trump won his campaign to build a wall to the South, no matter how ridiculous that seemed to many. It struck home to the paranoia of a (partly) Cancer-ruled nation.

Venus in Cancer shows a love of one's homeland (and family). Saturn there is more dire: It shows a (perhaps) over-sensitiveness to dangers to one's homeland or family. Obama had Venus there, also; but not Saturn. Trump is the one with an extreme sensitiveness (a keyword of the planet Saturn) to borders, that is, protection from outsiders. He said today, "A nation without borders is not a nation." And that we need to "get back our borders"---just before he announced executive orders to build that wall.

I am often surprised that more astrologers do not read and study Paul Foster Case's book The Tarot, published in 1947 but as relevant today as it will be in 2147. The correlations of the 22 Major Arcana of the Tarot to the 22 signs and planets (12 signs, 10 planets) are amazingly relevant in every way. Case's book is the classic on the subject. (He goes into even further detail in lessons issued by his group, The Builders of the Adytum.)

Here is some of what he says about Key 7 of the Major Arcana, The Chariot (or Charioteer), ruled by Cancer: It corresponds to the Hebrew letter Cheth, which "means a field, and the fence enclosing it. 'Fence' suggests enclosure, protection, defense; specific location; an area set apart for cultivation. It implies shielding, safeguard, refuge, safety. Thus it corresponds to the ideas represented by the words carapace and shell." Hence, it corresponds to the sign Cancer, the Crab. (Have you noticed something in Donald Trump that is a little crabby?!)

The Tarot picture of Key 7 actually shows a fence in the background. The charioteer wears a cuirass (defensive armor; breastplate). Dr. Case: "Cancer, the Crab, a cardinal, watery sign, is attributed to Cheth. Here we see the connection between the letter-name,"fence," and the crab's hard carapace." And here we see the connection between Donald Trump's two planets in Cancer and his defensive posture in regard to borders, immigration, and trade. 

Dr. Case: "In the background is a walled city. The wall is a stone fence." "The wall . . . is what most clearly establishes the correspondence of this trump to Cheth, the Fence."  And it appears that Donald Trump is not content with a symbolic wall of trade protections and immigration policies, but insists on an actual physical wall! 

It is fascinating. And I must say, before we judge too harshly, we must admit that when things are "written in the stars" and the Tarot so credibly, they have a meaning and purpose. I myself do not "get" Trump's paranoia and defensiveness and "America first!" mentality, but perhaps they have a place and function in overall history at the present time. They remind us that America is a Cancer country (with of course other signs of major importance in its horoscope) which considers itself unique (Trump's Uranus, planet of independence, is close to the U. S. Mars in Gemini). The Trump presidency must be fulfilling some purpose or other, even if it is to awaken forces and principles which oppose it or define it while defining themselves more perspicuously. We shall see.

Thursday:  At the risk of repetition, today is the last day of the Dark Hermetic Epoch, and the Bright one begins tomorrow (until March 27), which also happens to be a New Moon day. So today, although we have good plans and hopes for the coming two months, we may coast a bit toward those happy prospects, not feeling extremely pressured, and finding it relatively easy to keep up with necessities. 

Otherwise, there are mixed signals. Venus is square Saturn within less than a degree, the "nobody loves me" aspect, but I believe most of us are not feeling that as intensely this time around because Venus and Mars are coasting along together. Also, today Luna is sextile both planets and not afflicting Saturn, so we may be feeling that whatever the toils and travails of our loved one, we are solidly linked together in meeting the world's insults. Love has met its test, passed it, and feels triumphant, though in a quiet, calm, self-effacing manner. 

{Thursday} /Control as Growing Confidence\

Cosmic Piper

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