Sunday, January 29, 2017

Message for Monday 30 January 2017

Monday 30 January 2017

~Enhanced Organization~

Moon in Pisces   **
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 1:16a PT | 4:16a ET | 9:16a UT  (until mid-morning Wednesday)  ** |

It is fascinating that President Trump's concern about making it easier for Christians persecuted in Muslim countries to immigrate to the U. S. is coming while Venus in Pisces (Christianity) is exactly square Saturn in Sagittarius (Islam). Anyway, for centuries (see Marc Edmund Jones's book on Horary Astrology) Arab countries have been considered Sagittarius-ruled, in a general way, and Christianity has been considered a Piscean religion (again in a very general way although many fervent Christians have no Pisces emphasis in their birth-charts).

As a Christian (or an esoteric Christian if you will) I have in fact been upset over the horrid persecution of Christians in Muslim nations, and over the flimsy, incomplete, half-hearted, never-outraged reporting of it in the media. One tends to believe that in fact the media of the U. S. are anti-Christian, in fact, I myself am convinced of that and have been for decades. So here is one case where I agree with Trump, to some degree, on something; and I also agree on the evil of abortion. (Although I am not at all sure how much laws ought to restrict it. Some things which are wrong, such as smoking, have to be permitted legally.) And I believe that the organizers of the Women's March on Washington a week ago should not have banned Pro-Life women from the march, as they did. That was seriously wrong, and just serves to build "walls" between American citizens on either side of the question. 

Nor do I believe in unlimited immigration, nor has our or any country I know of been open to unlimited immigration in the past, and there have often been quotas on various nationalities or regions. Nor do I believe in Sharia law, nor do you, and most certainly not that it should be imposed on non-Muslims, but huge numbers, millions, of Muslims worldwide believe that non-Muslims in their countries ought to be subjected to their Sharia law. I would support a requirement that Muslims entering this country be required to sign a statement affirming that they do not wish to impose Sharia law on non-Muslims. Indeed, that would be totally contrary to the constitution of our nation and to our religious liberty.

So, I do like certain emphases of Donald Trump's agenda which seem to me just common sense. You know that I oppose him on large numbers of other matters, of course. 

The tie-ups of immigrants, or just returning green-card holders, at airports, are represented also by the squares of Venus (and also Mars within orb) to Saturn in Sagittarius, often the major sign indicating international travel. It is significant that all the concern and disagreement over immigration---not just in the U. S. but in Europe and elsewhere---is happening while Saturn is in Sagittarius (September 2015--December 2017). 

On Monday, serious matters are afoot during this |difficult third|. They are represented in Donald Trump's chart as challenges to his authority. 

For most of us, however, it will be straightening out business details, for one thing, and pulling information out of the dark into the light. It will be organizing files, data, or material. It will be budgeting realistically.

All that can be done with success and satisfaction.

{Monday} ~Enhanced Organization~

Cosmic Piper

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