Sunday, October 2, 2016

Mobilizing for Ideals

Monday 3 October 2016

~Mobilizing for Ideals~

Moon in Scorpio
< moon in the Via Combusta   ** <
until 7:02p PT | 10:02p ET | 2:02a(Tu) UT   ***

Therapies concerning money and eating are significant. Usually people are trying to eat less and spend less. Ways of doing that may become apparent.

Some work seems hampering and unattractive, yet doing it doggedly leads to escape from suffering.  

At a practical level, I get intimations that costs, deals, or purchases are possibly perilous, or that they may not measure up to true value, and ought to be very carefully examined rather than rushed. (The Via Combusta also can be a warning against bad decisions.)

Mars square Jupiter spells out differences of opinion and, seemingly, differences in values. Standing alone when need be is admirable and strong. Those who care about you may be seemingly harsh or critical, so you are correspondingly taciturn and reserved, even if elevated and respected. 

A mystical charm emanating from you fascinates someone. You are fascinated by the same within someone else. 

There is shared sympathy over coffee or a drink, with joviality. Frankness and intimacy spell comradeship.

People are going through difficulties with as much grace as they can summon. You sense that you have been protected since infancy, somehow, and could be grateful for that. The true inner knowledge survives despite assaults upon it. What has sustained you in the past can do so now. 

Who personifies your ideals? Before the end of the Dark Hermetic Epoch you should know that (two more days). You have been finding or re-finding this person, who may be a teacher, guide, guru, or Avatar. At a lesser level this could also be a wonderful friend. 

The energy for mobilization which rocks you or gets you moving could feel like anger; a rejection of attitudes or opinions which seem inimical to you or your goals. Aggressive leadership is sometimes needed, and you may participate in it.

We escape from peculiar misunderstandings when finally we and the others involved are able to see at least partially a better way, and this could be happening soon but until then there is tension. Let it be promising rather than disturbing.

{Monday}  ~Mobilizing for Ideals~

Cosmic Piper

P. S. I wanted to make this forecast simple, short and direct, but was forced by the chart to write all the above, and examined every word and sentence carefully. I do not claim it as guidance from on high but felt that it was all important and necessary.

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