Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 26 October 2016

Wednesday 26 October 2016

\Magical Relay Race/

Moon in Virgo
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until Thursday morning   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 11:34a PT | 2:34p ET | 6:34p UT   * / |
until it enters Libra Thursday morning at 6:52a PT | 9:52a ET | 1:52p UT   ** 

We have one of the longest void-of-course periods in recent memory, about 19 hours, though not beginning until mid-afternoon on the East Coast of the U. S. So before that begins would be the right time to get things done which involve other people's input, agreement or permission. 

There's something you want to remember to do at home concerning housekeeping or upkeep. 

An eccentric person at a distance fascinates you. There were violent or semi-violent aspects of his persona in the past. 

You were in love or are in love with some person who has passed from this world and is on your mind. 

There is a profusion of interesting and sometimes beautiful things to do on the Internet, linking you with people at a level of understanding. 

Business costs can be adjusted without too much trouble even though there has been a factor of loss. 

It takes time and trouble to study or learn some things which expand your consciousness, but you can do it.

(Have you ever listened to Art Tatum? I am doing so now and he is the most amazing jazz pianist ever. His renderings are so smooth and comfortable to me, yet dazzlingly proficient, that I am letting them play as I write, and I cannot do that with other music.)

(Have you ever had the display on your screen slant completely sidewise? It happened once to me many years ago and I forgot how I managed to correct it. It happened tonight right in the middle of the YouTube "last interview" with Max Spiers four days before his death. When he was unable to keep speaking--he sounded drunk or stoned--there was an interruption while he jumped on a trampoline, and at that moment my computer screen went sidewise. Black magic, which he was investigating? Or a little semi-malware trick of the man who interviewed him and prepared the video? I was angry and upset and restarted the computer twice with no change. Then I asked that fake personage Windows throws at us, typing painstakingly sidewise, and found a page which said Try contol-alt-up arrow. That worked, thank Heaven or somebody.)

More on Wednesday: "The double triangle. Denotes great will power. A magician."-- Charubel. This is the degree of both the sun and Mercury. You can work some kind of magic.

You may feel lonely, as if an outcast. You can focus on work. Young people seem remote.

What is there about rural life which intrigues you? You could let your imagination roam to a rustic scene where there are sheep, goats or cattle. 

"A relay race" goes along with Mars square Uranus, giving you high energy in some area either physically or mentally. You are fit to carry on the torch someone has handed you.

Again, you can work magic. You have a strategy both diplomatic and assertive and can combine those approaches.

{Wednesday}  /Magical Relay Race\

Cosmic Piper

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