Monday, October 10, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 11 October 2016

Tuesday 11 October 2016

}Hidden Yet Real Connections{

Moon in Aquarius   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 4:50p PT | 7:50p ET | 11:50p UT    ** /

People are crazy. I guess you know that.

I am tired of them.

But I am one of them so all I can do is post here whatever I can summon from my personal experience and study of (suffering in) astrology to give you some comfort or guidance or maybe at least entertainment.

I have not met one so-called "friend,' in the course of my life, who has not betrayed me. I met one intelligent, civil, kindly person today, and he was a stranger with whom I had a conversation of less than thirty seconds. Yet I saw the smile of G*d in his face, which I had not found in the voices of two old "friends" who have betrayed me. 

Life is structured in interesting ways, which are in fact revealed by astrology, although I know not one astrologer who knows how to do it. I have worked at this for 64 years and am just beginning to understand some of it. 

If you find that on one day my forecasts don't make sense, you are right. I have been off some days. I was off on Monday (yesterday). I studied and re-studied the chart to see what went wrong and have learned from it. So I try again:

Tuesday: There is much industry, at least up to the void-of-course time in late afternoon or evening. (Did you ever notice that "evening" means literally a time when things are evened out?) It is enjoyable to get things finished. 

You are a guardian of something special which someone special shares with you. "A blazing fireplace in a deserted home." If that person is remote from you, still the connection is real on invisible levels.

People want to be nurtured but do not realize it. So they resent the fact that they are, or feel, dependent. Therefore if you try to help someone, he or she bites the hand that helps. But still you know you have to keep trying. It is therapy for you and for her or him.

The person who would benefit from your help may be someone who has seemed an enemy. He wants to feel secure as to finances and reputation or career. It is hard to help in that regard, except to be understanding. 

Someone gone from this world, a spiritual teacher, contains invisibly your heritage. You cannot explain this person to the outer world, yet he is there for you.

One danger we have to surmount is: Scattering one's substance in profitless ways. There is a desire for security as well as prestige. Attaining them depends on the long term, not on quick but illusory gains.

Is love evident to the world, and to the beloved, or is it hidden? True love is often secret, and the beloved does not know it is there, or fails to reciprocate. "The true lover's knot" is affection which does not in fact tie the beloved down. Rather in some true yet ethereal realm it releases both lover and beloved into fathomless bliss. 

{Tuesday} {Hidden yet Real Connections}

Cosmic Piper

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