Friday, October 21, 2016

Forecast for Friday 21 October 2016

Friday 21 October 2016

~Maintaining Focus~

Moon in Cancer   **

The oppositions and squares in cardinal signs are the major feature in our solar system as experienced on the earth and have been for weeks. This is not easy but it keeps us moving, trying and energized. Yesterday and today the moon is in league with all of that, from its position in Cancer, forming a Grand Square with the other planets. We may be trying to do too much, getting lost in too many directions. "What is most crucial now?" could we a wise question to keep asking.

It's interesting that Cancer is the sign of "the home" in some sense (the natural 4th house) and today my attention was caught by an article about the "safest" places to live in the U. S. to escape climate-change problems. I also met a new next-door neighbor who is a woman, and Cancer is a "female" sign ruled by the moon (though Cancer males can be masculine in their own way). I was thinking of Al Morrison, the Cancerian astrologer (sun in Cancer, Aries rising) who was such a help to me in my New York City days, as he was to dozens of other budding astrologers. He studied everything, including the sciences and literature, and tried to integrate it all with astrological wisdom. He really knew how to teach a class, warmly welcoming participation by all in the group. Famous individuals in New York were among his clients. His influence is lasting and I expect to work with him somehow in the future either on the physical plane or in other realms of consciousness where astrology can be understood in its real essence. Thank you, Al, wherever you are, for marking out a path for astrology in a world not very friendly to it. I was "the reluctant astrologer" and once he told me that I ought to be doing charts for people and teaching classes. "You're being drafted," he said. Once at the Greek restaurant where we sometimes got together, he looked up at me and remarked, "Being an astrologer is a strange destiny." And once when we ran into someone he knew on the street, he introduced me and said "He's an astrologer---and a damn' good one."  Coming from him, that was near to the highest praise I have ever received in this lifetime.  G*d bless you, Al. 

A forecast for the current week, ending today, was posted Wednesday; and another for the week of Saturday October 22 through Friday October 28 shall be posted on Friday, G*d willing.

{Friday} ~Maintaining Focus~

Cosmic Piper

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