Friday, August 19, 2016

Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 August 2016

Saturday 20 August 2016

^Reluctant or Covert Concord^

Moon in Pisces-->Aries   ** |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 1:57a PT | 4:57a ET | 8:57a UT   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 5:22a PT | 8:22a ET | 12:22p UT   ** /
until it enters Aries at 12:20p PT | 3:20p ET | 7:20p UT   ***

I want to be writing for a longer time-period, because as of Friday I feel that we are so definitely in the Dark Hermetic Epoch (until October 6) that it merits deep consideration.

I was walking down the street, trying to get a little extra leisure time on Friday, and found that people seemed to be walking sideways. This is what happens during any DHE including the Mercury Retrograde period at its center but not confined to that. People will stop in front of you. They will turn in front of you, heedless of your presence. Their minds are elsewhere. They will look like zombies, frequently, looking off in odd directions, their minds dwelling on someone who isn't there or some incident in the past or some worry about tomorrow. In the grocery store countless people seemed to be walking slowly in front of me and I couldn't get around them. 

I am truly surprised there are not more accidents than there are during these periods. At one point on the street a woman lunged in front of me to drop refuse in a container and I swerved out of her way, tripping on a spike in the sidewalk and almost falling with my cellphone in my hand. 

I found few smiling faces today. Those working seemed the happiest. Work provides a context in which to function, parameters within which to move. Those who were merely wanting to enjoy themselves seemed unable to figure out what would please them and did not look happy. This is so very characteristic of the DHE. You may doubt me, but if you observe for yourself you will see. 

Then, the expected sort of unexpected stuff--expected because if you have been reading these reports you know that in the DHE we have to expect the unexpected. For me on Friday it was, among other things, planning on a meeting in the evening and then finding that, unbeknownst to me, it had been canceled, or perhaps scheduled for a different week. I had the strange feeling that I had slipped into a different world.

Not everything goes crazy, fortunately. But the one person I encountered with whom I had an extended conversation told me at length of two individuals he is concerned about, both of them seriously "out of order" in some sense and causing problems for those around them, including my friend who felt at his wits' end as to how to deal with all this. I felt for him but didn't know how to help. I could have said "It's the DHE," but would that have helped? To sum it up, during the DHE "the natives are restless." Pardon the colonial implications, but it's an apt phrase. Perhaps only the colorless, the stodgy, the conventional and boring can get through a DHE without noticing any unusual problems. But they are sure to have relatives or neighbors or friends who are not colorless, stodgy, conventional and boring, so they will have to deal with them somehow or other while they go through their changes.  

Saturday could have an emphasis on education. Someone needs to be mothered, maybe yourself. Those in other realms, the "dear departed," some of them perhaps hundreds of years gone, others hundreds of days, could be parenting us in some way of which we are unconscious.

There can be sincere friends and partners, though somehow they are subtle, intellectual, spiritual friends or partners rather than exciting and romantic on a cruder outer plane. 

Robust and somewhat harsh people, rustic or uncultivated, yet have good hearts, are sincere and worthy of respect. 

"Believe not every spirit, but try the spirits" is the advice of Charubel. In other words, don't be misled by false lights leading not to a UFO but a brush fire. Or charlatans promising much but delivering little. 

A beautiful woman, relaxed and smiling, in elegant clothing, is an entree into a higher sphere. She has secret wisdom which may or may not be articulated in speech.

We may become aware of the diabolical in people at times like this (the Dark Hermetic Epoch). Yes, they can't help it; yes, it is good to be kind and loving; but it is also wise to be wary when they could upset your life-plan and your noble destiny.

"Two women walking together with linked arms and talking confidentially" suggests being open to someone with whom you have a common interest rather than being totally reclusive. There is much suspicion, with Saturn and Mars square Neptune, but we are in this together, somehow, and have to find some basis of concord and unity somewhere, somehow.

{Saturday} ^Reluctant or Covert Concord^

Cosmic Piper

Sunday 21 August 2016

^Trying Again Peaceably^

Moon in Aries   ***

The way people treat their dogs is a good index to their character. The notion that dogs can be whiny and indigent is a slander of their character. They are loyal and almost selfless in many situations.

This could be a clue as to how to handle something in a human relationship.

People are concerned about money. This might be selfishness or covetousness but has its place perhaps, since only those with a sufficiency can be easily generous. 

As Mercury slows down, we might be led toward misleading spirits, or supposed insights which turn out to be misapprehensions. 

It is possible to find peace and concord. This requires patience and trust in the slow processes of time and long-term destiny. Potentials of subtle rather than flashy love are shown by Venus's quintile with Uranus and nonagen with Mars. 

What could get in the way is something diabolical which hurts you in one way or another, probably by misleading you. We need to be on guard.

Awkwardness and backwardness could blunt or nullify our good intentions. So it is well to keep on learning when one fails, because the next attempt may be the successful one--or if not, then "try again." 

There is education, and there is self-education. Both are valuable. Then one finds that one educates others, not pretentiously but just by being oneself when one has a certain knowledge, skill or aptitude.

No one has to whine about his or her inferiority. Each has some ability none other has. It does not have to be displayed ostentatiously, just quietly lived. 

{Sunday} ^Trying Again Peaceably^

Cosmic Piper

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