}Ideal-Practical Integration{
Moon in Taurus-->Gemini ***
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 4:38a PT | 7:38a ET | 11:38a UT ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 12:39p PT | 3:39p ET | 7:39p UT * / |
until it enters Gemini at 4:41p PT | 7:41p ET | 11:41p UT ** |
Money pressures seem to intensify. Shopping could be confusing. You could pursue dreams which are illusive even though they yield contentment for a while. Anything complicated involving what is owed to you or what you supposedly owe should be finessed and handled with patience rather than trying to get immediate resolutions. Paperwork, bookkeeping, Internet passwords or registrations and hassles could be peculiar. Communication in philosophic or religious areas could be important.
We have to resist the temptation to say "Nothing is working, why not just give up?" Time seems out of joint, but we are not.
Who is deceptive, and what is deceptive? are questions plaguing many of us. Who is an escapist, and how is his or her escapism making others' lives more difficult? (Mars and Saturn both square Neptune)
By the time the moon enters Gemini, you could work yourself into nervousness--or, if you control your mind, you could arrive at brilliant understanding of difficult matters through intricate analysis. That could be a project in the evening.
You want to be good to people, or guide or teach them, but could attempt it through a critical, harsh manner which does not respect their lack of learning or experience in areas which are natural to you. It is wise to guard against being judgmental or censorious, picking flaws in people--within yourself if not in speech. You may or may not see what is wrong with them, but they are what they are and you can't change that easily.
A set goal is needed, while Saturn squares Neptune, or else ambition will go to sleep on you. You do feel sure of yourself, but could let others ignore you because you are so sure you are right you don't care about their opinion.
You would like to integrate earth with heaven (Mars square Neptune) in a way which gets people to cooperate in your awesome vision of a better world and start implementing it. Well, let's do that. Go easy on their imperfections or misunderstandings, but try.
{Wednesday} {Ideal-Practical Integration}
Cosmic Piper
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