Thursday, August 4, 2016

Forecast for Thursday 4 August 2016

Thursday 4 August 2016

^Something in the Depths^

Moon in Leo-->Virgo
We remain in the |Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week (until very early Saturday)
/moon is void-of-course   * / |
until it enters Virgo at 0:35a PT | 3:35a ET | 7:35a UT   ** |

It takes more psychic or spiritual energy to keep oneself optimistic and on course during the |difficult third| periods. It is far easier to fall into depressions or "brown studies."  The aspects for the day are mostly challenging. Venus is advancing to a square with Mars, exact within two degrees. This is not just male-female skirmishes but male-male or female-female also. Or it can be a sense of dissatisfaction: "Where is love?" Then it can be a surge of attraction coming from nowhere and seemingly going nowhere, except to add to the soul's experience and wisdom. "Yes, it was interesting, but this person really doesn't fit with me." Still, "Something in its depths was worth the pain" (Sri Aurobindo).

On a non-romantic level, where most of us are likely to be functioning most of the time, there is nitty-gritty work along the lines of your special skills. All those boring details! But they become interesting when you give them full attention. There could be breakthroughs, as if solving a puzzle. This is a gift of the moon's position in Virgo squaring Saturn. Because that planet is in Sagittarius, study of a philosophic or spiritual nature could be fruitful even if demanding ascetic discipline at the beginning. 

Those attracted to the study of astrology may make discoveries. Our science is a very personal one. It trains the one who studies and practices it to be his own scientist. Conditions are good for that. (The only warning I would give is, beware of premature conclusions--be willing to take them with a grain of salt until they have been tested further.)

The Sabian symbol for Mars's position, A Grand Army of the Republic campfire, suggests reminiscence of enduring ties with individuals who may or may not be with us in apparent physical form. "Something in its depths was worth the pain." Love survives and grows through the divagating twistings and turnings of disagreements and separations. 

Someone who seems a quibbler or quarreler may disturb you, but by evening there is the calm of colorful and sublime meditation overriding the clashes and dissolving them. 

{Thursday} ^Something in the Depths^

Cosmic Piper

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