Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 10 August 2016

Wednesday 10 August 2016~Promising Business plus Childlike Individuality~
Moon in Scorpio   ***
The Dark Hermetic Epoch of 57 days begins at 4:28a PT | 7:28a ET | 11:28a UT (through October 5)
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 7:55p PT | 10:55p ET | 2:55a(Th) UT   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:23p PT | 1:23a(Th) ET | 5:23a(Th) UT   * / |

We have the favorable sextile of Luna with Jupiter (increasing until the void-of-course time, then decreasing). This can be good for career and also for friendliness of a muted, mild sort. 

The Dark Hermetic Epoch beginning this morning is going on in the background. You may find yourself more preoccupied with the past or with relatives and friends from your past, or with those gone from this world whose effect on you remains and with whom you might even have telepathic contact (whether or not you believe in such things). These are not spooks but the higher souls of those we have loved, who are in heaven worlds awaiting reincarnation (said to be a very long time, even a century or more perhaps) and whose influence on us is not spooky but exalted and beneficent. 

Business or financial matters could be planned with much savvy, while Mercury is trine Pluto exactly today. You could see how to make the most of things financially.

People stand with their backs to one another, symbolically, because either diffident,  reserved, or not willing to put themselves on the line for friendship or relationship. 

Hopes may seem to perish or be struggling to survive. Firm self-control can revive them. Even, you may finally exploit the business world in some way which feels like successful enterprise.

The political hysteria released by Donald Trump's personage and invective is being supplanted by strong hands. There are greater powers than his and his followers'. 

At another level there could be lively uplifting entertainment or dancing, "the piano man" or some popular group.  We can be as children learning anew to walk and play and let our individuality flower no matter how much or how little appreciation we get from anyone. There is congeniality, perhaps in a group or party, yet with the reserve or diffidence of paragraph 4 in evidence. "It's pleasant to be together, but let's not expect too much from one another."

{Wednesday} ~Promising Business plus Childlike Individuality~

Cosmic Piper

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