Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Forecast for Thursday 11 August 2016

Thursday 11 August 2016

^Bitter or Sweet Patience^

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues (until Saturday afternoon)  
/moon is void-of-course * / |
until it enters Sagittarius at 10:25a PT | 1:25p ET | 5:25p UT   ** |

A lot of pressures have been intense. It's a day for caution and patience. Sudden precipitous actions would not set well and could be dangerous. 

Rather, you may be as Sisyphus, rolling the stone up the hill over and over. But unlike the fable, there is gain in this--eventually it will stay where you want it even if that takes a long time. The Dark Hermetic Epoch (until October 6) requires staying power. You can have faith in your personal destiny, different from anyone else's. (If you know your horoscope, that might help.)

As for business, there are some hopeful indications but they have to do with things you already know and have worked on. You can continue that patiently rather than try anything new, which would probably just unbalance you. Finishing things, quietly or even secretly, in private, is recommended.

As for social life, whatever you want from it, or from people, or from other hearts, requires enormous patience. If you love them, you can do it. If it requires being away from them, you can wait.

A certain charm percolates out from you, and others, when you are working, either alone or with them. Hidden overtones are mystical, held in reserve--"A golden ball suspended from the ceiling of a circular hall." 

Natural beauties and quiet contemplation are beneficial.
Someone you care about is as if a little child learning to walk. He or she seems lost perhaps, learning the game of life awkwardly, and all you can do is watch and support.

{Thursday} ^Bitter or Sweet Patience^

Cosmic Piper

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