Thursday, August 4, 2016

Forecast for Friday 5 August 2016

Friday 5 August 2016


Moon in Virgo   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 8:21p PT | 11:21p ET | 3:21a(Sa) UT   * / |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until 9:52p PT | 12:52a(Sa) ET | 4:52a(Sa) UT   ** /

How happily you get through this one depends on the level of your maturity, I would say. Saturn remains at point focus in the long-lasting T square in common signs, and Venus is exactly square Mars. Tell me about your love life! Maybe it is not too bad--or maybe it is just little things, attractions which come and go and don't mean much except a boost to the ego while they last.

At worst, because Mercury is also square Mars and also, more closely, Saturn; and Venus is also beginning to square Saturn (as well as Mars), we could have a mess on our hands. It has to do with "too much" of something--too much to do, a too-busy schedule perhaps, and yet you need that challenge--and the better you face it and triumph over it the more you grow and learn.

If we were in a Dark Hermetic Epoch I might say, "Give yourself a break." But the Bright Hermetic Epoch (until next Wednesday August 10) is saying "Keep at it and finish things. Make hay while the sun shines."

Many have been savvy about money and are reaping the rewards of that. Then what? Whatever is artistic, intellectual, or creative has strong precedence. There is good taste in evidence, in yourself and others. As for "loved ones," you may feel critical and suspicious of them at some level, but can transmute such feelings into intellectual judgements which could be very true and gain support from others because they sense that you ain't whistlin' Dixie. Someone has to speak out what is unpopular, in order to make it understood and finally appreciated. 

Venus has entered Virgo as of this morning, after a nice transit through Leo (since July 12) when we felt in touch with our "narcissism" in a positive way because we felt others were also appreciating us. Now things are less self-centered. There can be an awareness that others' codes of conduct are not the same as yours. That does not have to be an intense problem but could be disconcerting. You may be drawn to someone who seems disreputable in some way. Maybe he or she needs you more than you need her or him. You have a desire for purity, but will bend to help or serve someone if she or he seems even a little worthy.

Both Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius incline toward the study of philosophy or religion or something raising you to a level of profound and well-thought-out insights. 

The sun in his own sign is the cutting planet in a locomotive-shaped chart. He, our Sol, is giving you self-mastery which makes you feel masterful toward others and the world, with a deep sense that, despite the little hassles you have to face, all is well.

{Friday} /Masterful\

Cosmic Piper

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