Monday, August 1, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 2 August 2016

Tuesday 2 August 2016

^The Power of Purpose^

Moon in Leo   ***
New Moon of Leo occurs at 1:46p PT | 4:46p ET | 7:46p UT

I feel I was too optimistic in the forecast for Monday. Part of the reason for that was the symbolic degrees of the day, which tended to be romantic, but what I did not consider sufficiently was the tri-septile of Venus and Saturn, which by the accepted two-degree orb lasts for only three or four days  each time but seems to be hard on the emotional and love nature while it lasts. People seem to be their worse rather than their better selves, to put it simply. It continues today (Tuesday).

It tends to put a damper on the Venus trine Uranus aspect which has been with us for the past week or so--a sense of freedom and an appreciation of one's own uniqueness, and the part of oneself which could be called "glamourous"--which males know they value in themselves as much as females do, although they would call it by other names such as machismo. Since narcissism is in the public consciousness these days, one might call Venus-Uranus aspects narcissistic, but at best they appreciate others' glamorous or interesting qualities as well as their own.

Venus square Mars getting closer by the day has multiple meanings. I have not found it congenial. It "adds a note of inharmony and strangeness to the love-live" says Grant Lewi. There can be "misdirection of the passional and sensational nature." There is spice in the personality, with magnetism in personal encounters. But it can go wrong, so both become angry or go away mad. Not always. Sometimes the one to whom one was attracted turns into a monster.

We have to rely on the trine of the sun and moon (together as the New Moon) to Saturn to bring us common sense and peace of mind through doing just what needs to be done. There is calm happiness along such a path--seeing that one is staying on top of all essentials. There is a lot of will power with both sun and moon in Leo. Jovial on the outside and hard on the inside is one way to be, with a drive toward success. You hold to principles you believe in and in so doing compel the world toward believable purposes it wouldn't really want to resist.

{Tuesday}   ^The Power of Purpose^

Cosmic Piper

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