Friday, August 12, 2016

Forecast for Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 August 2016

Saturday 13 August 2016


Moon in Sagittarius-->Capricorn   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:38a PT | 1:38p ET | 5:38p UT   * / |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 1:05p PT | 4:05p ET | 8:05p UT   ** /
Moon enters Capricorn (no longer v-of-c) at 9:12p PT | 12:12a(Su) ET | 4:12a(Su) UT   ***

Morning has the trine of Luna with Uranus before the former goes void-of-course, so there could be a feeling of freedom. A whole Saturday before you! After the v-of-c one might question one's plans--do they make any sense? Maybe it is all right to take some of them with a grain of salt while doing them anyway, subject to revision while moving along. 

There seems a combination of a "fun time" (Part of Fortune in 5) with thoughts of someone who has passed on into another dimension. 

It is good to be aware of some wickedness in people, whether intentional or unintentional, and fend it off by prayer or higher consciousness. What appears  harmless joking may conceal daggers of hurtfulness. 

Yet there can be charm, mystical affinities, something emanating from people which is subtle and uplifting. One can find this rather than suffer the previous paragraph's imbroglio. 

Natural self-restraint and steadiness can prevent difficult situations from going wrong.

To save suffering humanity from its woes is the intent of someone near you or someone you get in touch with telepathically. This is a sweet and helpful influence countering the paragraph-3 warning.

Something in nature or a natural setting is utilitarian and interesting, using or re-using the earth's resources. An ingenious or inventive quality gains command. 

The steadfastness and patience of a tortoise are winning qualities, going around or making use of whatever would get in the way.

{Saturday} ^Steadfastness^

Sunday 14 August 2016

^Worthy Kingship^

Moon in Capricorn   ***

There can be considerable harmony. People will not be fawning over one another but will likely give one another the benefit of the doubt. 

"A game of cricket" suggests the Olympics; keyword, Sportsmanship. There are rules even for enjoyments.

Peaceful, beneficent intelligence gains followers. By this evening it will be Sri Aurobindo's birthday in India, and he is the guru destined to have the greatest number of intelligent followers because he did the most to bring into being a new world. In your own life you will find that people respond to calm wisdom.

Other, weaker individuals may be led by almost anyone who gains influence over them, and the entanglements can go on and on, often but not necessarily between the sexes. The spiritually blind cannot lead the blind nor the physically sighted.

Sri Aurobindo is a Lion--C. S. Lewis was, probably without knowing it, trying to depict him as Aslan. He will be the last to quit the arena--not until the new Supramentalized world is here.

"A roll of parchment sealed" suggests in this age emails, hacking, technological cryptography. Or it means that true teaching ultimately influences even governments--it lies across the scepter of would-be rulers. When will they be Plato's Philosopher-Kings? When they understand what is within the parchment.

Treachery and black magic exist, but cannot defeat the Divine Lion-King. The contest between them is not even visible, except to the awakened soul.

If there is necessary warfare, let us hope it will be limited and brief. And let there be no unnecessary warfare. A crown above crossed swords shows that when combatants understand what they really seek there will be peace, though not weakness or lethargy. The Olympics show that manhood and womanhood do not depend on warfare for their development and demonstration.

{Sunday} ^Worthy Kingship^

Cosmic Piper

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