Sunday, August 14, 2016

Forecast for Monday 14 August 2016--and DHE

Monday 15 August 2016--and DHE


Moon in Capricorn   ***

The only reason I repeatedly mention the Hermetic Epochs is that in all my practical studies of astrology, and how to use it to grope through daily, weekly, monthly happenings with some help from the stars other than just the help most people get from sheer intuition or muddling through, they are the time-spans which help me the most. I assumed, since they have no relation to my personal chart, they would help others also, and many of you have confirmed that by commenting that indeed they are helpful. 

So: This Dark Hermetic Epoch extends from August 10 through October 5. What can be disturbing is the things which seem to go wrong--little things, often, which can add up to big disappointment or frustration. Knowing they are related to this time-span helps to de-demonize them so one can work around them, past them, through them.

For example: On Saturday I went to a meeting which was supposed to be a memorial for someone who had passed on two years ago. But almost no one showed up and the organizer decided to cancel it. No big problem for me, but a symptom of the Dark Epoch when things seem less certain or reliable. Plans do not pan out as expected, often. Then, I and a friend went on a shopping trip. We both found things we wanted--positive, yea!--but then on the way home he found that he had lost something he had with him. We retraced our steps with no success. Frustration, depression. The day looked bleak. I left him and went home. An hour or so later he knocked on my door and told me he eventually found the item where we had looked before. The day looked rosy again. So, in this case, the DHE produced not a serious loss but just a loss of time, as it were.

Incidentally, during both those events Saturday the moon was void-of-course. Knowing that helped me to navigate these happenings with less worry. I wondered before I went if the event might be canceled, because of the v-of-c plus DHE, and indeed it was. 

However, I and my friend both purchased items we are happy with. Which shows that good things can happen during v-of-c, even if other peculiar events surround them. 

On Sunday, I notice that events in the news look "Dark Hermetic Epcoh-y", such as killings, one in Minneapolis, one in New York, a fire in California, floods in Louisiana. One could say that such stuff "always happens" but I believe firmly that the proportion of it increases during any DHE. One reason is that people (we) get somewhat lost in inner musings, and are absent-minded. Then we do things we regret, such as the black cop killing another black man, the rioters destroying and looting stores, and my friend innocently forgetting to pick up the item he lost temporarily. 

Oh, by the way, yesterday Charles Tart the parapsychologist sent an email out about a webinar he is conducting, then sent another titled "Absent-Minded Professor" confessing that he had forgotten to give the link in the first one. DHE, of course; but I have written to Dr. Tart about astrology, and he is not interested. Nevertheless his life reflects the planetary patterns. It might have made him feel better to know that he was just another victim of the DHE rather than "losing it" (he is retired). But one cannot aid those who refuse one's service.

Further, on Sunday, four individuals working on proofreading important material (I am one of them) got into a to-do over a "who versus whom" situation in the material they were proofreading. Two said "who" and two said "whom"! It was finally realized that "whom" won (my side), but not without about six pointless emails exchanged among four people. DHE, how thou dost torment us! (Or do we too-willingly or too-carelessly submit to the torment?)

Monday: In addition to the above, the dour T square involving Saturn (big bad guy, otherwise known as the "greater malefic") at point focus remains, as it has for weeks. It will be with us into September. I have reported here several times that September 10 through October 6 could be a good "vacation" or enjoyment time, insofar as one's work schedule allows, even though it falls within this DHE. That is partly because this T square will be gone at that point. It has to do, on the positive side, with precision in thinking, working, writing and communicating. We are trying to "get it right" and that is good. We find that it is difficult (Saturn) and that the "devil in the details" keeps us busy. That is not bad, just part of life. But it could help to know that it has a limit and may be less demanding by September 10 (even though the DHE continues). 

Luna trines Jupiter all day on Monday. This is helpful, in earth signs, for business and good choices of how to use one's money. 

The sun in Leo, his own sign, is trine Uranus exactly, another good omen. At a subjective level we are "feeling our oats," our ability to rise above things and be in control of our destiny. That is strongly enhanced by the sun being in High Focus as the leader in a "locomotive" pattern. (Explanations of that are in the writings of Marc Edmund Jones). We can each be masterful in the domain in which destiny wants us to be masterful.

{Monday} /Masterful\

Cosmic Piper

P. S. Today is Sri Aurobindo's birthday. I already commented on him in Sunday's forecast. I am not campaigning to get everyone to "believe in" him but I do have to give him obeisance because I know who he is (partially) and what he did (partially). It is utterly amazing, not done or achieved by anyone else in the history of this planet, and available as a legacy to those who choose to study his voluminous teachings.

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