Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Forecast for Wednesday 11 May 2016

Wednesday 11 May 2016

^Pleasures and Exhortations^

Moon in Cancer-->Leo   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 0:35a PT | 3:35a ET | 7:35a UT   ** /
until it enters Leo at 2:33p PT | 5:33p ET | 9:33p UT   ***

In the Blogspot version I am writing in red today in honor of Leo, a fire sign, though the true color of Leo would be the sun's orange-yellow (sometimes red or pink at sunrise or sunset)--although in the Eastern U. S. and in Europe and India, Luna does not get into Leo the sun's sign until late today. Indian readers, would you like me to post these occurrences in Indian Time also?  

Many are pressing on with studies, or something involving discussion, disagreement leading to improved understanding, compromise or re-agreement after rethinking, and so on. This is Mars in Sagittarius retrograde while Mercury is also retrograde. Sagittarius is the sign of religion, publishing, and deep thinking. Mars is the cutting planet in a vise shaped planetary chart right now. We are trying to be indomitable, each in her or his own way, by getting an edge on others, or rather on our old selves, through our understanding of things. Understanding is the key. One can dominate the world only by getting others to understand something of what oneself understands. Diplomats know this, and professors, and performers (though in their case the "understanding," bursting out in applause, is less intellectual and more emotive or sentimental). 

So we can each be a performer, lecturer, teacher, or student, or all of those things.

Another part of what is going on is the Grand Trine in earth signs involving the two benefic planets Venus and Jupiter plus Pluto. This can be wonderful, and fulfilling, and satisfying. It can also be "too much of a good thing" as in overeating. The media have been full in recent days of reports on how those who have dieted and lost many pounds tend to gain it back before long. That is depressing. But this Grand Trine, though wonderful, leads to the enjoyment of eating, especially because Venus and the sun are in Taurus. Putting on more pounds? Before you realize it? I think I am, and am not happy about it, but today I was inspired to go to a more gourmet sort of market and bought things which are delicious. I feel I am slipping into a little decadence, but oh it has been so enjoyable. Beware! And enjoy! Contradictions seem imperative at a time like this, as they always do when Mercury is retrograde. That can be "recidivism," whether in diet or any other behavior. We have to be strong in self-control, while not denying ourselves all pleasure.

I know, it seems an impossible formula to carry out to perfection.

Being out and about to share experiences with people could be wise, especially after the moon enters Leo (time above). There is something bold and chancy about this. It's like coming out of a shell and trusting others to appreciate who or what one is, whatever the outcome and whatever the reaction from anyone. We can do it, while also remaining true to our high ideals and spiritual inspirations or traditions (the T squares focused on Mars and Saturn in Sagittarius). You are your own Pope. What do you infallibly decree for yourself? To what do you exhort yourself? 

{Wednesday} ^Pleasures and Exhortations^

Cosmic Piper

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