Sunday, May 8, 2016

Forecast for Monday 9 May 2016

Monday 9 May 2016
Moon in Gemini-->Cancer
/moon void-of-course  * / |
until it enters Cancer at 10:25a PT | 1:25p ET | 5:25p UT  ** |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 10:48a PT | 1:48p ET | 5:48p UT   ***
The New York Times reports that according to "scientists" the moon does not affect human emotions! 
That is wonderful information! Now Cosmic Piper is free to give up this daily forecast, based to a significant degree on our Luna's daily motions. How absurd of me to spend the past seventeen years of my life on this project! Thank you, New York Times, for freeing me from this mistaken effort! Well guys, I'm really embarrassed for misleading you with all this hokum for all those years! Likewise, all the thousands of astrologers over the centuries who devoted their lives to their study and observation of the moon's positions, writing brilliant and individually verifiable reports about what all that means, must have been either fools or sadly misguided (though brilliant) individuals. Too bad they didn't just read the New York Times, or, in their day, the London Times, or the Jerusalem Post or the Memphis, Egypt, Chronicle, or the Babylonian Daily! (This last was sculpted into rocks in cuneiform and tossed by the newsboys into yards.) Then they would have been free of all that nonsense and superstition.
Or, perhaps, Cosmic Piper has not been entirely wrong in discovering the |difficult third| of every week based on the moon's motion? And perhaps the "scientists" who, the infallible New York Times states, have proved that the moon has no bearing on human feelings or experiences, if they were to examine their lives with the aid of their diaries or journals, would find that most of the most difficult or painful experiences of their lives occurred during the |difficult third| periods rather than in the other two-thirds of the time? Might that seem to have some statistical relevance to them?
Probably not. People can see only what they choose to see. And "scientists" stick to the tiny areas they have already explored and refuse to even consider anything new to them, even something as well-considered and verifiable as astrology. 
But you have a choice--choose the "scientists" or choose what you see and experience in your own life. I choose the latter, and I report:
A week ago I reported that the huge fire in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada began on Sunday, and the |difficult third| began that very morning. (The exact time was in the report.) Now I report that a week later, the |difficult third|, as you can see by looking at the already-published forecast for the weekend (which I wrote on Friday) began a day earlier, on Saturday (6:05 a.m. Pacific Time, which is probably the same as Alberta time), and right in synch with that, the fire expanded, not on Sunday, but on Saturday:
Reuters -- A raging Canadian wildfire grew explosively on Saturday [May 7] as hot, dry winds pushed the blaze across the energy heartland of Alberta and threatened to burn close to an oil sands project.
The fire that has already prompted the evacuation of all 88,000 people who lived in the city of Fort McMurray was set to double in size on Saturday, the seventh day of what is expected to be the costliest natural disaster in Canada's history.
Firefighting officials said the inferno, propelled northeast towards neighboring Saskatchewan by high winds and fueled by tinder-dry forests, was set to double in size to 300,000 hectares (740,000 acres) - almost twice the size of Houston - by the end of Saturday.
Fort McMurray is the center of Canada's oil sands region. About half of the nation's crude output from the sands, or one million barrels per day (bpd), had been taken offline as of Friday . . .
But, according to the scientists whom the New York Times implicitly trusts, the moon could have absolutely nothing to do with the fire (although it was opposing Mars, planet of heat, in a fire sign, Sagittarius, on Saturday), and so this must be all just sheer coincidence!
I guess, according to "scientists," all of astrology, when it works, is sheer coincidence! Wow, I never thought of that! 
Anyway, deluded, or deLuna-ed, or not, I continue to be Cosmic Piper and continue to write the truth as I see it.
Footnote: I have also reported here, more than once (the first time was several years ago, the last time maybe two years ago) that the moon square or opposed to Mars often coincides with high winds. Laugh or not, "scientists" and meteorologists, but I have noticed it frequently and so I reported it. And now, look at the above: The moon was opposite Mars on Saturday when, according to the Reuters report,  "the wildfire grew explosively on Saturday [May 7] as hot, dry winds pushed the blaze across the energy heartland of Alberta."  The moon was opposed to Mars all day, by 10 degrees in the early morning and by only 3 degrees at 5 in the evening. Further, the moon was in Gemini, an air sign ("hot dry winds") opposing Mars, planet of heat, in Sagittarius, a fire sign ("hot dry winds"). But the "scientists" say, "Hokum!" 
One might suspect that those who belong to the religious cult of "scientists" subscribe to some creed which makes them oddly blind to certain facts. But I must be wrong about that, for the New York Times says so.
Monday seems to shape up to be quite a reassuring day, at least by late afternoon and evening. Luna in her own sign forms good aspects, slowly, with Neptune, Venus and Jupiter. These reach fulfillment on Tuesday but should be felt today. Thank G*d it's Monday evening!
I repeat myself, but the two major factors in our sky are (a) the T square in common signs focused on Mars and Saturn both retrograde in Sagittarius, and (b) a sweet grand trine in earth signs involving Venus and Jupiter, the two benefic planets. There are (a) disagreements in religion, philosophy, politics, and everything but also (b) individual prosperity in some form, and a rich appreciation of life's beauties and pleasures such as food, drink, pleasant associates, good times. Monday and Tuesday could be much better party-times than the Saturday and Sunday just passed. Enjoy!
{Monday} ~Relief~

Cosmic Piper

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