Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Forecast for Tuesday 10 May 2016

Tuesday 10 May 2016

~Porcupines are Soft but Prickly~

Moon in Cancer   ***

The square of Jupiter with Saturn can be felt. It is one of the most "moral" or "ethical" aspects in astrology--it pulls us up short, asks us who we are and what we are doing. It is an aspect of self-interrogation--"Am I living up to any of my ideals or principles, really?" 

It is getting closer by the day and will be exact on May 26.

One reason we do not feel the Mercury Retrograde period as intensely as usual is that Mercury's aspects with other planets are excellent--he is in a Grand Trine with Jupiter and Pluto and also within orb of a sextile with Neptune. All that is helping us to deal with the delays and backtracking of the period with more finesse than usual. 

"Gears shifting" is one meaning of Mercury Retrograde and that is happening in politics. the Primary campaigns are shifting slowly toward the party conventions of the summer. Paul Ryan and Donald Trump are feuding and trying to find compromises. Trump is turning to fund-raising. As for the Democrats, Bernie Sanders is the conscience of the party, and he is Virgo; Jupiter in his sign is making him the prophet. The failure of the party elites to support him could redound to their defeat. I believe Sanders would do better against Trump than Hillary. That is not based on astrology but on my own feelings--and also quite a few polls. He is the conscience of the Democratic Party partly because (in terms of formal cause, which is what astrology measures) Jupiter now in his sign Virgo is the planet of conscience when it is square Saturn as now (first paragraph above). The issues he brings up are substantive ones of fairness in the economic realm. That is traditionally what Democrats are about, but now they seem to be immersed in "social" issues such as who should use what bathroom and upholding the supposed right of women to destroy their unborn children. That is their moral failure and Jupiter square Saturn is not going to be nice to them about it. 

At the personal level, the Grand Trine in earth signs is giving us the leisure and economic freedom to keep up with our own projects, quite a lot of freedom in fact. We should use that well and wisely. The squares in common signs (of which the Jupiter-Saturn square is the core) are driving us to deeper considerations, such as posed in the first paragraph. We want to live worthy lives. Our religion or philosophy or spiritual principles and practices are essential to that. 

Luna's aspects today are soft and sweet, sextiles to Venus and Jupiter early in the day, and to Mercury and the sun at eventide. We can see where our good fortune lies. But Luna is also opposite Pluto, planet of plutocracy whose current representative is Donald Trump (and also, according to Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton) and Pluto is also the planet of bathrooms so watch out, North Carolina. I consider this men's room--ladies' room debacle to be absurd and a symptom of something utterly silly and morally obtuse and soft and decadent in the American consciousness. Hey people, wake up! I am on neither side! Both sides are acting silly and neither even understands the other's concerns. The last thing on my mind is who else might be using a restroom I might use. Is this a serious country? We seem to have lost our way. And I mean the LGBT community especially, so hissy about its "rights" that it has lost all civility and ordinary decency. Hey guys, keep your sexual issues out of my face, would you? They don't interest me.

Sorry, but I have had enough of it. And if I am offending someone, please write about it if you wish or post comments here.

{Tuesday} ~Porcupines are Soft But Prickly~

Cosmic Piper

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