Monday, December 7, 2015

Forecast for Tuesday 8 December 2015

Tuesday 8 December 2015

~Finding Safer, More Reliable Paths~

Moon in Scorpio  < **
Moon leaves the  < Via Combusta at 9:15a PT | 12:15p ET | 5:15p UT  ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 10:40p PT | 1:40a(W) ET | 6:40a(W) UT   ** /

I find in Google News and in the New York Times that the main headlines, what people are thinking about, concern the terrorist attacks. Secondarily, about the Supreme Court leaving state gun laws in place by 7-2, which to me is very heartening. All this goes along with what I said in the forecast for today in the first paragraph, about the T square with Mars, Uranus and Pluto. The square of Uranus and Pluto, with us for many months and not done yet, had a lot to do with the hideous beheadings and other acts of atrocity months ago, and that obviously is still a threat, and the President had to talk about it last night, and there are plans in the works for dealing with it. Then there is the battle over gun control. All of this is very very very Mars-opposite-Uranus (by two degrees today) and Mars-square-Pluto (also two degrees). Mars obviously is the planet of guns, and when mixed with Uranus there is danger. People are trying to address those dangers. 

But in our personal lives, unless we are in battle zones, it is likely that these aspects are putting a fire under us to get going with the things we believe in and accomplish something. That is not violent, just energetic.

The forecast for Monday turned out to be unexpectedly correct for myself (at least) because in the afternoon, although I was intending to write this forecast, I got pulled despite myself into buying some gifts online, and that worked out well, plus I got a new credit card online, which I did not intend to do but got pulled into it, and it has a much higher credit line than my old card. This was all a happy surprise. And I bought some nice gifts I feel good about. I hope something satisfying happened for you also.

Tuesday: I would hope our good fortune would continue, and I almost gave a four-star rating above. But the symbols for the day have a warning side to them. Superficially this could be enmity you sense or hear about. You may feel that you have lost something or that some support taken away from you has challenged you to find a new direction, through self-competence. A feeling of a turning point could inspire you to take a respite from some of your struggles. 

Yet there can be fruitfulness through a rebirth into humanity as a whole, giving up some personal battles and letting spiritual fellowship take over. That could restore generosity and peace of mind. 

Headstrong disputes are possible. (The T square already discussed among other things.) Some who seem adversaries may yet witty, brave, and good companions. Whether there is real danger or not depends on your personal situation, but it is possible that violence will erupt in some places. I do not like to make such prognostications but do it only in order to help prevent it from happening. 

People want freedom. It is obvious to most of us that this cannot be attained on a suicide mission, yet some feel that such is their path to liberation. I hope fervently that that will change and I believe the conscience of humanity is changing it, albeit too slowly for comfort. Wantonness is an emotional illness and it would be well if would-be warriors understood that. Real warfare has to strive to be ethical and honorable with as little cruelty as possible. Those prone to disputation or violence need to be coaxed into more civilized and conventional ways of asserting themselves. 

Wind-storms are impersonal, as are most stresses we face, and it is our prerogative to rise above them and conquer them with common sense, experience, and sometimes technology. It is essential that we keep our heads in the face of apparent setbacks and find new paths when usual ones are blocked. Luna's sextile with Jupiter, exact at the v-of-c moment above and several hours before, should help with that.

{Tuesday} ~Finding Safer, More Reliable Paths~

Cosmic Piper

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