Sunday, December 20, 2015

Forecast for Fortnight of December 18 through January 1, plus Monday

Forecast for the Fortnight of December 18 through January 1, 2015-16

There is likely to be loneliness. There is a sense of futility, as if one were "assaulted by ruffians." (The phrases in quotation marks are from the clairvoyantly derived symbols for major degrees in which slow-moving planets lie during this fortnight.) This suggests anger or at least frustration and irritation. The long-lasting Cardinal T-square with Mars, Uranus and Pluto continues although now with Mercury rather than Pluto closer to the point focus. Some of this involves friends, and some career. Then there is the question of how to overcome the problems, and that could be some kind of revolution. Well, we are all pretty wary of political or military revolution, so it's not that, most likely, but an ethical or spiritual revolution or a reform of one's habits. "A high flagstaff with a red flag floating at the top" suggests the campaigns of Bernie Sanders, Donald Trump, and other "outsiders" trying to revolutionize something. More practically, in our lives, it is our revolutionization of ourselves. Some of this has to be practical, for we might feel in need financially; the rest on the ethical-spiritual level.

There has to be business within the world's ways. This is not always pleasant but we can find one expedient or another. Some business-persons are cantankerous, and one might feel that way oneself. Successful merchants may be doing well because of the holiday. Some of this gain is international in character (despite the devastating losses in international stock markets in recent weeks). We have a Full Moon at Christmas and may experience it, partly, on a quite materialistic level. Venus sextile Jupiter from Scorpio to Virgo tends in that direction. 

You may feel your honor is at stake. People disagree and some do not understand your approach or might even disbelieve your goals. Yet you are determined to be high-minded, noble and courageous in pursuing what seems right. "A lion standing alone with tail erect, then running toward a panther." You sense possibilities and levels of understanding way beyond the usual purview of humanity. "Rings of light in the heavens; ring within ring or zone within zone.," "This is the man for a far distant future." Yet we can get intimations of that future and live inwardly so as to bring it nearer. It is the Supramental Realization of Sri Aurobindo, indeed "for the distant future" partly because almost no one believes in it, studies his writings, or tries to actualize it. Yet many are indeed doing that at a very unconscious level. They don't know where their inspiration comes from yet try fitfully to manifest it, whatever their beliefs. We see that in technology, movies, TV, popular culture, the Internet. It is progressive but mostly without a clue as to the basis and source of its progress.

There may be vacillation, or a needed tentative response to eventualities. There has to be finesse while things reach a better level of understanding and commitment. We are in a new Dark Hermetic Epoch as of the beginning of this Fortnight (or exactly on December 19). That is not an evil time but a time to take things a little slowly, review old things, and grope toward better understanding and planning. "Many toys in the children's ward of a hospital" suggests that some may be childish, while some will indulge childlike predilections in others whether children or adults. Those infirm, disabled, or ill get our concern and care at the holiday season so they can share in the general abundance rather than suffer alone. 

"A girl blowing a bugle" summons us to re-understand our beliefs or belief-systems. We also need to understand to whom we are giving ourselves, what individuals or organizations or higher-realm spiritual realities or Beings. Everybody justifies himself or herself in a different way. "Two prim spinsters" is rich in symbolic statement. If you imagined yourself as one of the spinsters, who would the other one be? There is a chance of the two of you splitting yourselves off from society at large. Then there is the chance of divorcement between the two of you. You both desire to avoid superficial, time-wasting interests, though in differing ways.

We are all struggling to understand and to live intelligent lives. What are the lamps, the candles, candelabras or Christmas lights which reveal to you the meaning and trend of your living? Perhaps setting up or moving these--a lamp or source of illumination or Christmas light--will also help us orient ourselves to reality more happily. We are wanting to train or discipline ourselves. Coach ourselves, is a better way to put it; to be our own personal trainers. This comes out strongly, for example, in a friend who has given up not only drinking but then also smoking and now caffeine! Admirable, from my viewpoint. I think he is able to do that now partly because of Jupiter being in the sign Virgo (until September). We are "getting a grip on" ourselves and our habits. It seems to me a daily challenge. I hope it goes well for you . . . 

in this special season when something beyond even the planets and their deities descends to aid us, perhaps Christmas Angels, perhaps the Saviour Himself . . . 

Happy Christmas!

Cosmic Piper

P. S.  Monday 21 December 2015

\Drifting Perspective/

Moon in Taurus   ***

You may note the effects of the new Dark Hermetic Epoch (containing Mercury Retrograde within it at its center and continuing until February 14) which began Saturday December 19. Perhaps a little laziness; perhaps musing on the past; perhaps brooding on things which seem to be going nowhere. Or, at best, a detachment which allows you to keep everything in Merry! perspective. It's supposed to be that time of the year . . . 

{Monday}  \Drifting Perspective/

Cosmic Piper

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