Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Forecast for Thursday 3 December 2015

Thursday 3 December 2015

\Finishing Things Prudently and Peacefully/

Moon in Virgo   ** |
/moon goes void-of-course at 9:00p PT | 0:00a(F) ET | 5:00a(F) UT (until evening Friday)   * / |

We have a choice between the |hard third| of the week, all day today (and more harshly Wednesday the day of more American killings), and the void-of-course day Friday. Which is better, which is worse? It's not an easy question. Both should be better than Wednesday, for we are now, as of early this morning, in a new Lunar Fortnight, the Crescent Fortnight (slim moon). As discussed in yesterday's report, this one looks much better than the previous one (Fat Moon) which lasted through Wednesday. 

You will have noted, of course, that just as the Paris killings on November 13 occurred during a |difficult third| of that week, these San Bernardino killings happened during a |difficult third| and in fact within the epicenter of it by a few hours. People can go berserk under external or internal pressures at these times.

I cut back on some of the things I thought I had to do on Wednesday, perhaps in a cowardly manner, but then this allowed me to help a neighbor who needed assistance and would not have gotten it from me if I had stuck with the more difficult plan. He was upset because of serious plumbing problems, making his bathroom unusable, and other problems in his place which require attention and much readjustment. It was a harsh day for him. I felt the harshness internally but chickened out of facing it with other people for the most part. 

I hope my prediction that things would start getting better today, Thursday, or Friday--and for two weeks to come--proves true for you. Let me know which day seems better--to help in this ongoing research into the meaning of the |difficult third| (continuing but diminishing Thursday) and the /moon void-of-course/(Friday). We already know that the |difficult third| is karmically difficult, as I always put it, as for example in the San Bernardino killings. How could this karma be good? It looks horrible. (A) the killers are creating terrible karma for themselves. (B) the killed may or may not have needed to be killed because of their own past karma, but the fact that it happened shows that there are karmic complications. Only the Supreme Lord, Whom I trust absolutely, knows all of that. Or, if some of them were killed unjustly, then they will get a reward in a future lifetime to compensate for that early ending of their present incarnation. That is my faith. 

At least Venus's aspects are better today, and she is in a stronger field position, suggesting friendlier times with people. Luna is moving away from her fateful square with Saturn and conjoining Jupiter in Virgo. Perhaps the Climate Conference in Paris will go well. (I need more information about that.) 

So we should be breathing easier. It is possible to get a lot done, and probably easier than on Friday during the v-of-c, although that day could be nice for interpersonal relations and free-form pleasures, with the moon in Libra and other favorable omens. Let's not get ahead of ourselves but get things done today in preparation. 

{Thursday} \Finishing Things Prudently and Peacefully/

Cosmic Piper

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