Sunday, December 6, 2015

Forecast for Monday 7 December 2015

Monday 7 December 2015

~Strong Harmonious Purpose Reinforced~

Moon in Libra-->Scorpio
< moon remains in the Via Combusta (until mid-day Tuesday)
/moon void-of-course   * < /
until it enters Scorpio at 3:27a PT | 6:27a ET | 11:27a UT   *** <

Three stars because of fair lunar aspects, but the T square among Pluto, Uranus and Mars (focus on Pluto) is tightening so we have a spur to action which can be uncomfortable if we try to evade it. Money, costs, and issues with friends are at focus. They could all be fumbled in upset or anger, or handled with expertise. The rest of the forecast, based on happy symbols for the day, suggest the latter and better alternative. 

We remain true to the central part of ourselves. We are as innocent and free as a child who rules adults by his unfeigned sincerity. This can be true no matter how many times we circle around in familiar paths, if they remain congruent with our ideals. 

There is something circular about your work. You are turning a wheel, as it were, to keep things going. This is labor, but is has an enormously good influence on everyone. At the same time, you watch out for your own rights and needs with alertness.

Something enormously beautiful is in your environment or atmosphere, or in a store window, an online ad, or just in your dreams, but it has the gift of artistry and poetry streaming around and from it. So, you get the hint, it might be a Christmas gift, or else something you enjoy yourself. There could actually be wonderful good fortune and success today, for many, and I hope you are one of them. Unsuspected treasures or resources come to light.

There could be musical entertainment, or Christmas music, or other audible treats which bring harmony. The emotions of the soul come forward from the deeps, emphasizing strong personal bonds you share with others or someone in particular.

Your prerogatives are real to you. They could be somewhat decadent if you let yourself just circle around in privileges you feel to be yours. Or they could come alive and bring people together in harmony and common purpose. 'Tis the season . . . 

{Monday} ~Strong Harmonious Purpose Reinforced~

Cosmic Piper

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