Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Forecast for Thursday 31 December 2015

Thursday 31 December 2015

\Improved Skills Bring Happy New Year/

Moon in Virgo   ** |
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week ends at 2:51p PT | 5:51p ET | 10:51p UT  
Hard: Mars square Mercury, which will be going on for days to come, the first half of January, and exact on January 5 when Mercury turns retrograde. It lasts so long because Mercury slows down and turns backward right when it is exact. Ouch! I have noted over the years that this is an irritable aspect. We feel angry at people who get in our way, make noise, say or do the wrong things, laugh at the wrong time, make insulting comments, on and on. 

Easy: Mercury sextile Venus, a kind of smooth enjoyment of music, the arts, people, visual delights, the taste of food or drink, and so on. Nice for New Years' Eve. People's tastes in music and the like will probably not clash but meld happily.

Hard: Pluto square Uranus. This is a revolutionary aspect, so you are trying to revolutionize some aspects of your life and you may be succeeding, but not without a lot of sweat and tears, or just persistent consistent effort. 

Easy: Moon trine Mercury, from Virgo to Capricorn. This is why I said yesterday that many would be thinking about their careers and their technical or other skills during New Year parties or semi-parties. What have you learned, of practical value, in the past week or two? Something rather extraordinary, I would guess. You can build practically on that, and may be thinking of it even if you're in a crowd as the clock strikes midnight.

Hard: Neptune square Saturn, a realization of the real difficulty of your spiritual path. If you do not have a spiritual path, this aspect is pushing you toward finding one. If you have one, you see into your own hypocrisy or failure to embody the truths and values it teaches. That is good because it means you are trying to be honest with yourself as a basis for progress.

Easy: Moon sextile Venus, increasing late in the evening and toward the dawn of January 1. This is a sweet aspect making us feel good about one another and ourselves, able to appreciate the subtle beauty in people not evident at once on the surface. Happy New Year!

{Thursday} /Improved Skills Bring Happy New Year\

Cosmic Piper

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