Monday, July 13, 2015

Forecast-Meditation for Tuesday 14 July 2015

Tuesday 14 July 2015

}Care, Caution, Meditation, Prayer{

Moon in Cancer   ***

The Venus-Saturn square was exact Monday and is exact today. As you know if you've been reading these reports, it will last until August 22 because of Venus's apparent backward motion before long. 

It is not horrible but it has its effect. It is realism in the emotions. It can be disappointment in people. They don't do or say just what you would like. But they are still there. Let's give thanks for that.

I insist that the astrological writers of the past--whose books usually were published more than fifty years ago--are the best. I am going to quote them copiously here in the future because they have said many things better than I could. It is amazing that G*d has allowed them to study and discover what they have discovered and get it into print. They ought to be honored and read and so I shall quote them. 

Grant Lewi says of Venus square Saturn (in terms of birth charts, but everything he says also applies to the current situation for the whole human race until August 22):  "You do your best when you are on your own. Work for and live among strangers. You are careful of money but never seem to have enough. You should make a budget and stick to it. You have good business sense of a temperamental sort. You don't plan things out too well, but your instincts are pretty good because conservative. . . . Property rights are sacred to you, and you love to own things . . ." 

I don't own property; I am a renter, but the above applies to me at this time because, for example, today the building superintendent knocked on my door and I was really taken aback. I knew better than to let on that I was upset, but to me my home is sacred, even though I am a renter, and I resent the "land lord" (lord? really?) invading my space over and over again. A man's home should be his castle. 

Master astrologer Grant Lewi says more of this aspect we all are experiencing:  "You have an extremely complex emotional nature subject to dejection, depression of spirits, and discontent arising from emotional causes. . . . You are sensitive and have been hurt much too easily so that you have withdrawn into yourself and give the appearance of being detached and a little hard--which of course you are not. You have a somewhat sacrificial attitude toward love matters, believing that pain and suffering are the lot of those who love; and a liberal dose of self-pity generally accompanies this position. Your emotional troubles arise not only from the unkindness of others, but also from your somewhat suspicious attitude toward those who love you, which irritates and angers them and in the end may cause them to act toward you in just the manner you don't wish.  It is true that you have been imposed on in the past, but you must not judge all men or women by the few people who have disappointed you, and you should cultivate trust in those you love. You are extremely loyal--in fact, loyalty is a god to you. You will stick to someone long after he (she) has ceased to love you or you to love him (her). " 

[He says all that of Venus conjunct Saturn but says decisively that it applies also to those who have the square aspect, as we all do now in the transits.]

I have Venus square Saturn in my birth chart also and can affirm that what Dr. Lewi says above is exactly true. (I have given him an honorary doctorate.) You may find it true, to perhaps a lesser but relevant degree, at the present time because Venus is square Saturn in the sky above, beneath and around us. 

Mars and Mercury opposite Pluto (the sun also opposing it although lessening) has a lot to do with Plutocracy and the fact that, for example, Elizabeth Warren is on the front of Time Magazine this week. (I do not regard that publication as honorable--it is a front for the Republican Party--but it is interesting as long as one keeps one's guard up so one sees through its propaganda, which lies to a large degree in what it does NOT report.) The article is about how Ms. Warren and Bernie Sanders are anti-plutocrats and how Hillary Clinton, whose money comes from plutocrats, has to pretend to be as anti-plutocratic as they are. (People will believe anything.) Anyway, there is an anti-plutocratic wind, yet also there is Donald Trump making waves. He has Venus, Saturn and Mercury in Cancer and now Mars is in Cancer opposing Pluto in Capricorn. Trump is a plutocrat yet he is making waves (Cancer, a water sign) through his right-wing stands on many issues, as if Mars, Mercury and the sun in the sign of his Venus, Saturn and Mercury, in his birth chart, while opposed to Pluto, were bringing out his ability to "stand up for" the traditional values of a certain section of the populace and oppose liberal immigration laws, for example. Cancer is the sign of the home, and Trump is gaining public approval by saying "This is our home, not the home of foreign interlopers or invaders." I did not say I agreed, I just say that he is doing it in accord with the astrological setup. 

I am not looking at Tuesday in detail, but at longer-term aspects surrounding it. Another is Mercury trine Neptune. Dr. Lewi says that it aids intuition and lends an inspirational quality to one's work. It gives "balance to the mind, glibness and facility to the speech, and lends charm to the voice." Let's sing! We "love knowledge for its own sake." Okay. That's why I am quoting all this. 

Since it is in water signs, I would say that it is good for meditation and prayer. Let's do a lot of that.

{Tuesday}  {Care, Caution, Meditation, Prayer}

Cosmic Piper

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