Friday, July 31, 2015

Forecast for Friday 31 July 2015

Friday 31 July 201

}Patience as Subtle Enjoyment{

Moon in Aquarius   ***
Full Moon of Leo-Aquarius at 3:44a PT | 6:44a ET | 10:44a UT
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week begins at 12:29p PT | 3:29p ET | 7:29p UT   ** |

Let's be happy! Let's find our deep spiritual selves, and live in them and from them to conquer the world of often-disappointing illusions, bringing it closer to the heart's desire.

Whatever will give you inspiration to do that is your friend at this point.

The astrological set-up in and of itself is not very encouraging, unless we turn it to its best. Five retrograde planets including Venus suggest a somewhat backward or weary or shilly-shallying trend something like the Mercury retrograde period, but not as bad in my view. We have already discussed the now-very-close squares of both Jupiter and Venus with Saturn, in great detail. They bring out difficulties and, as a friend said to me today, we need a great deal of patience. He spoke of patience as one of the spiritual gifts we need to incorporate in ourselves. I agree, and you might want to review what I said in Thursday's long report.

Mars trine Saturn is helpful, making us willing to keep on keeping on, harmonizing our activities with reality, being sensible, doing what simply needs to be done without complaining. Since it has to be done, enjoy it, would be the advice and encouragement of this aspect.

Mercury trine Uranus shows a path to mental freedom, an ability to seize upon anything and everything as means of enlightenment. Surprising and uplifting insights come to you. While doing work you perceive things which make the work more liberating than it would be otherwise. 

The more we can sense the will of Deity (Neptune is prominent in the daily chart) the more smoothly we can flow with that will, which is the only way to be happy.  It is not necessary to state it in words if we can feel it as a momentum toward greater happiness, peace, and fulfillment for others as well as ourselves. If it takes a long time, let's enjoy that long process of getting to where we want to be as if every second of it brought it closer, as in fact it does.

{Friday} {Patience as Subtle Enjoyment}

Cosmic Piper

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