Sunday, July 26, 2015

Forecast for Monday 27 July 2017

Monday 27 July 2015

^Alchemy of Patience and Hope^

Moon in Sagittarius   ****

Four stars is a stretch. When you read the following you will see why. But Luna is in process of forming a grand trine in fire signs today and that should be a relief from the weekend's pallor. It might be a good day to attend to business. There can be optimism and probably material cooperation, maybe more than any day this week, hence the four stars as encouragement. 

I hope I am making some insights about this summer clear to some of you.

A. We are in the Bright Hermetic Epoch until August 28, so it is relatively easy to proceed with plan-making, plan-implementation, and clear insight into strategies and methods. In fact you may have excellent intuition and intelligent estimation of many things and should go ahead and implement them as much as you can. 

But B. Jupiter and Venus both squaring Saturn during the same time-frame make the emotional tone rather dull or boorish or lovelorn. It is not that there is no love but that love is somewhat shy, underground, or undemonstrative. So we have to learn to get along on our own without too much emotional support from anyone. Or if you are getting that support from someone, then he or she is a true friend. If not, you can realize that others are going through the same thing, feeling "not in the mood for love" or for overt friendliness, and adjust accordingly.

The result of A. and B. is that those who can think and act without too much emotional involvement with what they are doing are the ones who will "succeed" or get favorable results. "I love you but don't bother me" is not a nice thing to say but it might be what "successful" ones are feeling. Whereas some "unsuccessful" ones will be feeling "Oh I am lost because my friend or lover is gone or indifferent, what can I do, there is no use trying to do anything." That would not be smart. We need to be "on our own" as much as we can at least emotionally. As for business cooperation, it could be there but perhaps not as enthusiastic as one would hope. Patience is a key. Peacefulness and an ability to keep trying without fretting is another key. 

Another way to put it is that the more one can resist relying too much on superficial visible cooperation during this period, and rely instead on Invisible cooperation, the better one will be able to keep one's balance and get things in motion favorably.

We are going to have to learn to work with the aspects which are here and not the ones we wish were here. I believe that many people, myself included, are learning how to work with the long-lasting Venus square Saturn. The former turned retrograde Saturday, while still in its square position with Saturn and is in fact moving back to the exactness of the square the first week of August. But while it is not a pleasant or thrilling aspect, I think that people are subconsciously realizing they need to be more alone and more peaceful. "It's just me and God and the world, what else, I just have to do what I can and remain calm." That is not a bad attitude and many are adopting it now without thinking much about it (they certainly don't know about Venus and Saturn). I have noted that it is a very quiet summer. People don't expect a lot except comfort and peace. Even the very noisy children in my neighborhood are much quieter than usual, almost silent today. 

Back to paragraph 1 for some optimism about Monday.

{Monday} ^Alchemy of Patience and Hope^

Cosmic Piper

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