Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Extra Report for Wednesday 15 July 2015

Extra Report for Tuesday and Wednesday, July 14-15

For both Tuesday and Wednesday, we are at the end of a lunar month, when the moon is getting smaller (to our perspective) and the Part of Fortune is in the 12th sector, called "secret enemies" or "self-undoing." You can see that the second designation means that yourself can be your secret enemy! This time, all that is accentuated and increased because by the Field Systems I use (and have discovered) four planets also are in the 12th sector. I am not interested in scaring anyone or setting you against yourself ("self-undoing") or making you paranoid. Please, let's not do that. But here is what happened to me yesterday:

A friend invited me to go out for a drink. It was early in the afternoon so I said "No." I felt that he at that moment was a "secret enemy" so to speak. He went out and I tried to continue with my work. I got a phone call on my land line purporting to be from a federal agent who had warrants for my arrest unless I paid a fine for not responding to a summons to appear on a federal jury! It seemed like a scam to me yet was such a well-planned one that I spent a half hour on the phone with this "criminal" trying to ascertain whether or not I had anything to fear. I was told to go out and purchase a debit card to pay a fine for more than a thousand bucks. I knew this couldn't be real--our government is not that crazy, I hope--but it was scary enough--I would be apprehended and arrested I was told--so I wanted to be sure. While the "federal agent" waited I got online and looked up his supposed identity and found that in my city there have been scams going on just like this one. That was enough. I told him to get lost and hung up. "Secret enemy"? For sure! Even, when he called me on my cell phone, the posted number was "Number unknown." Secret. Then I went to the police station in my neighborhood, hoping I could give them information about this. They were not interested. "If you had fallen for it and paid them we would have helped you." This was pretty disappointing to me. I was prepared to give them a lot of information about this call, to be sent to whoever in the department was investigating the scams, and they didn't want my help. Are the police also my "secret enemy"? So it felt. 

This situation continues through Wednesday. No paranoia, please! But in case it helps you, I wanted to clue you in to this. Who might your "secret enemy" be? Maybe someone who wastes your time. Someone who gets you involved in something detracting from something else you might better be doing. So even if the person has good intentions he or she could be an "enemy" in that sense. Or, your "enemy" could be yourself--"self-undoing." This could mean you can't make a choice between two alternatives and end up making a wrong choice. 

I don't have a pat answer to how to deal with this. The 12th house or field also has to do with research, as in detective work--which the police department here is not doing very effectively. So maybe you can be researching something today which will prevent bad choices in the future. Does that fit your situation?

Field Twelve can also be "secret friends." The friend who invited me out for a drink yesterday was a "secret friend" when I thought he was an enemy! Because if I had gone with him I would not have gotten that phony call on my land line phone which wasted an hour or more of my time and, for a while, scared the daylights out of me. 

Did I say "Then go out and have a drink"? No, but examine alternatives wisely. And study Psalm 130, or some other Scripture: "Out of the depths have I cried unto thee, O Lord.  . . . If thou, Lord shouldest mark iniquities, O Lord, who shall stand? But there is forgiveness with thee, that thou mayest be feared." If you are going to have a "secret enemy" make sure it is not the Lord Himself! "I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope. . . . Let Israel hope in the Lord; for with the Lord there is mercy, and with him is plenteous redemption. And he shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities."  From self-undoing. 

Cosmic Piper

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