Saturday, July 11, 2015

Forecast for Sunday 12 July 2015

Sunday 12 July 2015

}What Was That About "Love"?{

Moon in Gemini
|Karmically difficult or sobering third| of this week continues until 9:07p PT | 0:07a(M) ET | 4:07a(M) UT   ** |

Luna moves toward happier aspects as the day goes on, so late afternoon-evening may be liberating or pleasing.

We have already discussed the Venus square Saturn aspect at length. But there is always more to say. This time, because it continues through August 21, there is value in dwelling on it more than usual. Venus's "station" or apparent (geocentrically) motionlessness occurs, near the end of July, almost exactly at the square-Saturn position. 

This aspect marks off epochs in our feelings. We are learning better to cope with it this time, perhaps because subconsciously we feel it and know we have to face it for a while. Non-astrologers "know" about the aspects subconsciously and adjust to them. It might help if they were conscious of them, but then, because so many astrologers spout half- or quarter- or ten-percent truths as "the" truth, perhaps it is better that nobody knows what is going on. I have never known an astrologer who treated the current interplanetary aspects with the concentration and seriousness they deserve.

Here is some of what I noted this morning, as related to the Venus-square-Saturn "epoch" we will be in for five more weeks (and have been in since June 27):

1. People are in different worlds. You will think of someone, wonder if you should get together, and then feel "Probably not, he or she is probably doing such-and-such, or is concerned with that stuff I don't care about, or off with so-and-so, or wanting to be alone, or . . . " We realize our differences at these times. Saturn is limits. We realize that even love has "limits" in the sense that it needs to deepen to let people be who they are rather than what we would like them to be. 

2. We realize the inappropriateness of clinging. We start to feel naturally that there is something wrong or pointless or unrealistic in depending overmuch on someone for our poise or peace of mind or happiness, and we pull back, willing to be alone.

3. Therefore peace within aloneness can be a blessing of the period. 

4. Love, real love, becomes cool, calm, and detached. 

5. There are revelations of things which are disappointing in the loved one. We "give up" to them, in the sense that we realize people are different and that even real defects--if such they be--in loved ones are for some reason a necessary part of their character or their way of being at the present time. So we let them be. 

6. Ultimately, this can be a realization that the defects or failures in the loved one do not at all detract from our love for her or him. Perhaps they even stimulate or expand that love.

7. Therefore love becomes less self-serving and more aware of the other's needs.

8. Sometimes there are issues of love versus money. Maybe you feel you don't want to spend on the loved one, or let him or her spend on you. Maybe you realize some of the selfishness which can be a part of a friendship or liaison, and dismiss it as something you don't need to cater to at present. There is love beyond what the two of you give to or demand from each other.

9. There is a realization of what ancestral and family love means. Some I know are visiting family for the first time in a long time this week and next. Often, over the years, I have noticed that I and others turn to family at Venus-harsh-aspect-Saturn times. Cynically, one could say, "Well, they are your last resort after all!" But more than that, we realize that loyalty to family, or those like family, or extended family, is what we always come back to no matter how far away we can get in our interests and our living part of the time. I was thinking of my grandparents, long gone from this world, this morning, and feeling them as alive and as individuals I would like to get to know better. Probably in a future lifetime I will. Of course they will change, and so will I, yet there will be something that is the same. One could say that the Venus-Saturn vibration sees past the flesh to the skeleton, and past the skeleton to the ethereal spiritual self which remains identical from one incarnation to another. You may derive much strength, insight and comfort from thinking of relatives long gone, or your grandparents perhaps. 

10. With all that goes, if we are willing to be humble, a realization of our own defects and limits. This does not have to be depressing but illuminating and liberating. We see how others tolerate our defects, limits, habits, ways. Thank G*d for that! Otherwise nobody could stand us. It is a humbling aspect, and that is good for us. Humility naturally expands appreciation beyond the ego.

11. We can realize that others too are experiencing the above, and that can make clear to us why they do troubling things, or seem aloof. We learn how deeply respect is a part of love, and how thoroughly we need to respect all and ourselves. Such respect penetrates beyond whatever limitations, failures or weaknesses they manifest. It has been said that we love others not despite their weaknesses but because of them. That may not be too much of an exaggeration.

{Sunday} {What Was That About "Love"?}

Cosmic Piper

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