Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Forecast for Tuesday 21 July 2015

Tuesday 21 July 2015

}Persistence Through Doubt{

Moon in Virgo-->Libra   ***
/moon goes void-of-course at 3:08a PT | 6:08a ET | 10:08a UT   ** /
until it enters Libra at 6:24a PT | 9:24a ET | 1:24p UT   ***

The daily charts have been worked out over decades--I must say especially since the year 1978 when I began writing the daily guides for Astrology Guide Magazine published by Sterling's Magazines in New York--and continued until 1991, a span of more than twelve years, times twelve signs, times 365 days, and that is the number, at least, of daily forecasts I wrote. (It comes to 52,560.) Now I write a daily forecast for all twelve signs, which is much better from my viewpoint. We are living on the same planet and our interests and needs coincide in amazing ways. We are just not aware of it as much as we could be.

Here is an example:  This morning I contemplated the daily chart for Monday 20 July 2015, which was the morning on which I was contemplating it, conveniently enough. It showed the moon in Virgo sextile Saturn in Scorpio, which is semisquare by less than one degree Pluto in Capricorn in the 8th field by one system and the third by another and the 12th by another. That might suggest peculiar plumbing problems. The Cancer planets trine Saturn in Scorpio, the sign of plumbing, suggested some interest in that technology. Venus in Virgo, sign of work, workers and problems, square Saturn in Scorpio, sign of plumbing, suggested something messed up with plumbing. Five of the ten planets I use are in water signs, a preponderance in water, suggested something involving water at least indirectly. 

What happened was: Our building superintendent informed us that because the pipes sending our outgoing water were defective, in order to prevent that output going into Puget Sound we hopefully would curtail our showers, flushing of toilets, and other use of water down the drain for a whole day while the problem was being fixed. 

I wondered to myself how many other people in the world were suffering similar problems. Then late in the afternoon I got an unexpected confirmation from Charms, one of our readers who commented as follows:  "Been a bizarre and expensive Monday....  repairs expected, and then the hot water heater LITERALLY blew up, and now no power to heat the NEW hot water heater." And then she added:  "But....my chart life ,it seems,  continually challenged by Cancer people and things (water and water related)!"

Thank you, Charms, for this confirmation of what I had suspected, that I was not the only one experiencing strange "water problems" on Monday.

Then I went to my regular Monday evening prayer group (wonderful people) and one of the members who had been to visit his family (families are ruled, generically, by the sign Cancer) on the weekend showed me a video he had taken of a waterfall. After that, at one point heavy dripping was going on on the balcony, and the condo's owner said it was just water dripping down from someone's plants on the balcony above. Not a major water problem but an interesting confirmation of the daily chart. (That had never before happened at any of our weekly meetings.) 

Something I have not yet mentioned, though I have thought of it often: The horrid beheadings performed by IS or ISIS or ISIL happened while Uranus in Aries, sign of the head, was square Pluto in Capricorn by less than three degrees. Since that aspect has loosened (it is now still there but by a looser seven degree orb) there have been no more of those beheadings. Thank Heaven literally and figuratively. I suggested here, at the time they were happening, that that aspect was the "formal cause" behind them--although of course they DID NOT have to happen, the universe and its Lord are not that cruel--but human beings, when they confront a "formal cause" like this one sometimes go berserk and manifest it in a criminal manner. That is not the responsibility of the planets but of those who do not know how to respond to their positions and "influences" if we may use such a word. To me, they are not physical but metaphysical "influences" or they are Cosmic Synchronicity, beyond the understanding of the narrow rationalistic intelligence we have devised for dealing with superficial (though useful) technologies. Astrology is a higher Overmental technology, if you will. If you won't, I don't have time right now to argue with you.

On Tuesday we might feel we are trying to keep going something which was desirable on Monday but seems to be slipping away. I would say, Keep your faith and your hope alive. The "dark side" of what you are trying to accomplish may seem, temporarily, more real than the bright side. But that is an illusion. 

Someone at a distance who is strong and good for you may have a positive influence on your finances, directly or indirectly. There is suspicion, yet potentials work out through accepting the challenge he or she presents. So the suspicion is the dark side, the challenge on the bright side, and your acceptance of the challenge, rising up to meet it, the desirable outcome. 

Venus and Jupiter both squaring Saturn remain a major matter. We have considered that at length, so I do not repeat it every day. But it could help to remember that there is a tendency to feel lovelorn, or friendless, or cut off from someone you love, or maybe just to feel indifferent--"who needs him, who needs her". But maybe you do! Yet feeling the need and trying to fill it could be the opposite of what would really work. You may need to hope and pray for the welfare and happiness of that one who seems to be absent from you or to be following a path you don't entirely approve. "Hands off" could be your motto--you cannot grasp or hold him or her, you can only hope and pray for something better in his or her life. Love conquers all, but while Venus squares Saturn, the victories are invisible.

{Tuesday} {Persistence Through Doubt}

Cosmic Piper

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