Thursday, July 23, 2015

Forecast-Mediation for Friday 24 July 2015

Friday 24 July 2015

~Infectious Wary Festivity~

Moon in Scorpio
moon in the Via Combusta all day   ** <

|Karmically difficult or sobering third of this week begins at 5:34p PT | 8:34p ET | 0:34a(Sa) UT (until early Monday)   ** < |

Good things could happen with publishing, reading, study, books or ebooks. 

Knowledge is on the rise and successful in your career area. Women of power or influence may be supportive. A drive toward financial fulfillment is also a drive toward expressing creativity. One wants to do something totally one's own and be secure in doing it.

Although Venus and Jupiter square Saturn make us wary, your personal feelings are not totally incompatible with others' feelings, thanks to a grand trine in water signs including the moon in Scorpio. There can be a subtle undercurrent of attraction to strong or charismatic individuals.

Even if money losses and gains are evenly balanced, you are likely to feel good about your prospects.A contest between home and gadding about may find home winning, or else a "home away from home." 

Some strange infection has invaded the classroom, the schoolyard, mumps
Or something. The nervous mother pulls her children to her thicketed
Cottage. But she has errands; gets in her car to get them done, 
Meanwhile worrying about the kids. But they almost enjoy their escape. 

The embassy ball calls forth the efforts and garments and fabrics and 
Styles of all who attend. The festive occasion brings those from afar
Together in global communion--adaptable, luxurious, convivial; and
The happy display of elan, next daybreak, brings diplomatic genesis. 

As the prima donna looses her voice to echo in rafters, the taste-imbued
Recognize its excellence. Her lover after listening leaves the hall,
Upset with her many eager flirtations. He would like to stroll with her
In the park despite his anger. At last she joins him in nervous laughter.

{Friday} ~Infectious Wary Festivity~

Cosmic Piper

P. S. If you review the quatrains at the end of the day, you may be surprised how they reflect events in your life or others' lives. For example, in Thursday's forecast I wrote, on Wednesday evening:

A man with a cardboard dagger looks pretty scary. He stabs at
All who seem like a threat. He is noticed but not respected.

And then on Thursday I saw this in USA today:

Two teenage boys were taken into custody early Thursday after running from the back door of a house in eastern Oklahoma where five of their relatives were found stabbed to death, according to police.

Was that not a direct hit? Except, unfortunately, for the cardboard. 

You will find many more of these correspondences if you look carefully day after day. I will not mention some of the personal ones which made sense to me in my life in the other quatrains for Thursday, but they are there most days, and maybe every day if I were to look more carefully and reflect more fully. The 19th and 20th century clairvoyants from whom I get these symbols knew what they were doing, and their visions seem timeless. Fortunately, the violent ones are usually symbolic, for most of us, but not for the victims of that particular real stabbing. 

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