Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Forecast for Wednesday 30 September 2009

Wednesday 30 September 2009

}Free-Form Freshness{

No Prime Time today until the moon enters Pisces late in the day at 4:27p PT | 7:27p ET | 11:27p UT. Before that it is void of course in Aquarius. The routine and ordinary are your best bet when it comes to serious endeavors; I often use these times for trash removal, clean-up, laundry and the like. It almost seems that the "void" times are good times to "void" or remove things in your way. I am not so superstitious as to refuse to mail a payment at such a time, but if there is some question about it I would wait. Rather than send an important communication I would write it in my mind or on a word processor or note pad, then wait until the moon is no longer void, read it and make any changes necessary before sending it. Such a course of action will not waste your time; rather it will save time. You can do ordinary tasks with ordinary efficiency during these times, but be prepared for unexpected interruptions.

Because the moon is forming a sextile with Pluto during the void time, you could enjoy it, whenever free of work, by relaxing in unusual ways, hanging loose, wandering, extemporizing. Just don't force anything or insist on a particular plan. You might note how "lost" or free-form people look and act at these times. Good things can happen, but usually not as planned. It can be a happy adventure if you're not expecting anything in particular.

Let's see what happens while the moon is more closely sextile Pluto, 2p-9p PT | 5p-12a ET | 9p-4a(Th) UT. It could be fun. The moon enters Pisces and is no longer void-of-course two and a half hours into this period.

There is some danger of morose, worried, and unhealthy thinking which could make you weak and inept. When it seems some things are sadly ended and all is futile, you are merely going through a transition (void-of-course temporarily).

Harmony and romantic imagination surge up during the 7-hour period mentioned, when you may find the simplest things entertaining.

It seems you are guarding yourself (and home and family) against loss effectively.

People need reassurance, and you develop personal power by reassuring them when they are inclined to lose their heads. You can restore equanimity to them when you have done so for yourself. People need to learn to wait. They could do this more easily if they tuned in more thoroughly to What-Is and appreciated it.

You may note certain individuals caught up in the trivial or artificial. You sense that you could share something with them on a deeper level but they seem immune to your sympathetic feelings. This need not upset your poise or your ability to remain loving.

Many astute observers, especially novelists, have noted how the innocent seem to be protected, in the same way babies are, by some indefatigable maternal-paternal instinct in
the cosmos. It even seems to work for naughty teenagers, as in Ferris Bueller's Day Off, a movie by John Hughes (who recently passed from this world). You may note this happening for others or yourself.

{Wednesday} ~Free-Form Freshness~

Cosmic Piper

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