Friday, September 4, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 5 September 2009

Saturday 5 September 2009

~Patience and Restoration~

We are in the |retreat| third of the week and the moon goes void of course (after its conjunction with Uranus in Pisces) at 9:54a PT | 12:54p ET | 4:54p UT. So after that things could seem rather bleak or pointless for a while until Luna enters Aries at 7:15p PT | 10:15p ET | 2:15a(Su) UT. Even then, the |retreat| or difficult period lasts until Sunday at 3:22p PT | 6:22p ET | 10:22p UT. Actually this period is in effect for about 35% of the time, but seems longer when the moon is slow. It is retreating from the weekends and will leave them free starting Saturday the 19th, although that weekend, as luck would have it, the moon will be in the Via Combusta.

I have to recommend peaceful, calming activities, or plain old rest, rather than anything ambitious or exciting. That could change by Monday.

Quarrels and quibbles are to be expected, although you can modify their annoyance by your attitude. People who like one another have differing viewpoints, one of the facts of human life we have trouble navigating. When principles or ethics are involved, you can be true to yourself and your inner guidance. Such constancy will benefit you in the long term even if it makes you unpopular temporarily.

A strong side of you rejoices in a feeling of strength, which enables you to be more generous with people.

Simple pleasures which would restore your spirit are available in several ways: through meditation, which looks like doing nothing, or music, or hanging out.

Mercury almost at his station, that is, motionless, heralds the Mercury-retrograde period beginning Sunday evening and lasting until September 29. It does not have to be a depressing time unless we let it be, although it brings up matters which need reworking or rethinking.

Divine grace is helping you to do just that through the messengers which come to humanity and to you, the personages who are ordinary human beings yet charged with angelic directives.

Harmony is available even when people disagree on what makes for harmony. If someone you are with wants to find peace of mind in a way which rubs against you, still there are ways of compromise or reconciliation.

Peculiar seductions could impel you toward something hurtful, or hurtful to a relationship. Provoking jealousy in someone is an old trick, to be winked at up to a point, but devastating if indulged too gratingly. Flirtation is like a snake to be charmed, thrilling when all goes well, hurtful when flummoxed.

When you are steadfast and firm in hopes and plans, as well as loyalties, you rise beyond doubts and moods. Then you find that less outwardly can be more inwardly.

{Saturday} ~Patience and Restoration~

Cosmic Piper

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