Friday, September 11, 2009

Forecast for Saturday 12 September 2009

Saturday 12 September 2009

~Respecting Your Integrity and Destiny~

You know we remain in the |retreat| or difficult third of the week until the time given in Friday's forecast (Sunday morning). So I shall not try to be rosy. The moon's square with a retrograde Mercury betokens much double-thinking, backtracking, and confusion. What could rescue you could be (a) ingenuity (less effective) or (b) spiritual consciousness (more effective).

Things could be even wackier early, while the moon is void of course before it enters Cancer at 1:21p PT | 4:21p ET | 8:21p UT. All scheduled activities are on hold. Or changed. Or re-scheduled.

Welcome to Mercury retrograde, once again. This morning (Friday as I write) I slept late, after having vivid dreams, which are another symptom of Mercury-retrograde. I am very late writing this report. I went to an event in my neighborhood scheduled for noon, to find that no one was there. I went back home only to be called on the phone two hours later: the event was finally taking place, very late. Typical of Mercury's backward motion: delays.

Thursday night I went to a concert of contemporary music by the composer George Crumb, in honor of his 80th birthday (October 24, 1929). The first thing we were told was that the order of music on the program would be exactly reversed! The third piece would be the first, the second the second, and the first the third. Could Mercury be going backward?

One of the pieces within a piece was entitled The Interrupted Concert, or El Concierto Interrumpido (from a poem by Federico Garcia Lorca). Actually in the first minute the pianist stopped, looked for her music, couldn't find it and went off the stage to get it. This was not planned, despite the piece's title, but a marvelous bit of Hermetic synchronicity. The old magician in his winged sandals can be quite a trickster.

A more beneficent aspect of Mercury's backwardness is the fact that this was part of a retrospective program of four concerts in honor of Mr. Crumb, the 80-year-old composer who came up to the stage afterward for a standing ovation. I shall not write about him or his music now but I studied his horoscope and his music does imitate it remarkably. "Retrospective" is a Mercury-retrograde word, and reviewing the past a beneficent activity at this time, when it feels right.

Saturday requires you to keep up with your personal spiritual routines. This is very important. It will restore sanity and wholeness.

If you do not take command of your situation, someone or something else will, to your detriment. But actually the best command is the Command of the Highest, for which you must enlist if you are to receive it.

People who are away from you may seem easy targets of criticism, since they cannot fight back or speak for themselves, but it would be better to go easy on them in your mind. They will most likely discover their faults later or sooner. An exception might be in a legal or political situation where some protest is necessary for the sake of integrity.

An aggressive approach has its value when you are aware of gross hypocrisy or tyranny you need to uproot. This could be dangerous but sometimes necessary; still I would say, when there is doubt, wait at least until the moon enters Cancer (time above). The strategy you have in mind could be totally wrong and disastrous.

The agonizingly slow approach is far better than the agonizingly tragic one.

For security you need to cling to spiritual teachers and teachings which have protected you in the past.

A malcontent could hurt you. This is someone who is discouraged, feeling his failure, and angry with the world. It is wise to walk circumspectly around such individuals. Realize the hidden potency of suppressed rage. You do not want to be its victim.

Discretion, foresight, and knowledge of human nature, including your own, can protect you from danger and make this a day of quiet achievement--not in a way the world will recognize now, but in a way you yourself recognize as an approach to your true and eventually prosperous destiny.

{Saturday} ~Respecting Your Integrity and Destiny~

Cosmic Piper

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