Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Forecast for Thursday 1 October 2009

Thursday 1 October 2009

~Thoughtful Focus~

We enter the |retreat| third of the week at 11:30a PT | 2:30p ET | 6:30p UT. It lasts through Saturday this time. It is a regular cycle but somewhat wobbly; next week Saturday will be free of it, but not this time. Beginning next week the weekends will be free of it for six months, until April.

Today in those later hours it would be wise to calm down, relax, and take a smooth peaceful view of where you are and what you expect to do over the weekend. Simple and less ambitious plans are better. It is not dull to spend your weekend on things you care about rather than superficial pleasure-seeking. The pleasure will happen anyway. Sunday is free of the |retreat|.

There appears to be less worry about money today than on Tuesday-Wednesday, and more interest in personal relations even if they are loose, tricky or indirect.

I am sure you are noting that the Dark Epoch continues--while Mercury is slow (though not retrograde). It lasts until the 14th. Your plans are clearer, and that is wonderful, but you are still working them out as if untangling a snarl. This need not be at all depressing but quite fascinating, as solving a puzzle. Maybe you have solved this one before, but each time it comes back you solve it at a higher level and learn more.

Today you delight in pursuing objectives as if they were a sport. Your mood elevates when you just settle down to what you want to accomplish and focus on it.

You can be devoted to kindly service in some way which brings accord among people with whom your lot is cast. This involves a somewhat artistic approach which exalts traditions, which after all are a convenience of human living.

A literary approach is good. Reading when the selection is wise is a way of linking with the human race at a more exalted level of perspective, with which any successful writer is linked in one way or another. Commenting on or discussing what is read is mind-expanding. It sometimes begins when parents read to their children. There are your family traditions, and there are the traditions of the human race embodied largely in literature, whether sacred or popular or somewhere in the middle, which we call literary. This fund of gentility need not be overwhelming because your intuition picks what is best for you at the moment.

There is a prophylactic power in stories, novels, play, and movies or TV series. That is, protective. By seeing how the fictional characters, based after all on real experiences of the writers, respond to save themselves from danger, you are protected through the subtle warning.

If you go out for a meal, you might sense how a proprietor, chef or waitperson is going through his or her particular suffering, and sympathize, for this person has to "put on a show" for you no matter what the internal torment.

The more determined and strong side of you is going to keep on with projects important to you, no matter what the mood. Separation from certain people, even if wrenching, is good when it gives you time to fulfill your particular missions or undertakings. You might note what that means especially during the hours 4p-11p PT | 7p-2a(F) ET | 11p-6a(F) UT.

{Thursday} ~Thoughtful Focus~

Cosmic Piper

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