Thursday, September 17, 2009

Forecast for Friday 18 September 2009

Friday 18 September 2009

\Better Thinking/

Someone wrote yesterday that she felt "bent out of shape." That seems like a good description of what many of us feel while the sun and Saturn lie together toward the end of Virgo and Mercury remains retrograde.

The hope I would distribute is that October, speaking in calendar months for convenience, will be a much better month for several reasons--not just that Mercury will be moving forward but others we will discuss before long.

I like what Robert de Luce says of the sun conjoined to Saturn, after first outlining the sufferings denoted by it traditionally, including illness: "When there is practically no karmic evil to be eliminated [an individual matter] Saturn brings responsibility and the trials are in the nature of a sustaining or strengthening process whereby the individual is prepared for more perfect work in the world. The difficulty in handling this arc is that the mind is apt to become crystallized, narrow or limited when passing through this experience, whereas the virtue of the experience is to eliminate vagueness of mind and indefiniteness of purpose." I hope this last "virtue" is happening for you. And I hope it is happening in Congress where, very appropriately, reform of health care is being worked out in a very tangled (Mercury-retrograde) way. It is quite fascinating that this is happening while Saturn nears the end of Virgo, the sign of health-care in a general sense (it passes into Libra on October 29 but returns to Virgo from April through July in 2010). Let us hope Congress is able to "eliminate vagueness of mind and indefiniteness of purpose."

If you are not going through a health crisis, offer up prayers of thanks! I believe many are suffering in that way. A compensating value however is a sense of heritage, which grants aplomb. Your parents or great-grandparents may be with you somehow, in consciousness.

The square of Mercury and Pluto, very long-lasting this time, is a peculiar one I wish I understood better. It can be fanaticism of sorts, or an obsession with some ideas or hopes you find fascinating to the exclusion of usual interests. That is fine if progressive.

Venus opposing both Jupiter and Neptune (the former aspect ending as of tomorrow) can lead to overeating. The "expansion" of these planets is good in its place but too much expansion leads to disintegration. I shall not preach a sermon on diet-control. Sometimes eating too much is a substitute for friendship or reassurance.

Someone you've been thinking about may want to be with you more than you want to be with him or her. Or vice versa. You could importune or beg one another for friendship, or just drop it. Sometimes the invisible is as real as the visible.

It is peculiar that so many people are being influenced by news media demagogues toward political opinions based on no reality at all and contrary to their self-interest! I hope they become more and more of a minority in the so-called Information Age. Where are our school teachers that they let kids grow up to be so easily hypnotized by misinformation?

You may wonder how someone can get by with such a cushy job or working so little but pretending to do something important. Yet this person might be a friend in some significant way.

Someone idealistic and loving is on your mind and you may wish you were in closer touch. We have a New Moon today as of 11:45a PT | 2:45p ET | 6:45p UT, and during the next month romantic matches and marriages will improve under the aegis of a sextile of Venus and Mars. Not quite yet but you might note subtle beginnings.

Oddly enough a sense of optimism may emerge late in the day--duh, it's the weekend! says the brilliant astrologer--but we are still in the |retreat| third of the week, which began Thursday (although I didn't point it out specifically this time). It lasts until Saturday at 3:07p PT | 6:07p ET | 10:07p UT, so there could be a pleasant Saturday evening for the first time in many weeks. Unfortunately the moon enters the Via Combusta on Sunday.

Finally, the moon in Virgo today with the sun, Mercury and Saturn--a stellium in that sign--and conjoined to Mercury suggests intellectual capacities you may not be using fully. It could be well to study, think, ponder, and develop some knowledge.

{Friday} /Better Thinking\

Cosmic Piper

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