Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Forecast for Thursday 17 September 2009

Thursday 17 September 2009

\Calm Amid the Routine/

With the sun exactly conjunct Saturn while Mercury is retrograde, you shall be declared a saint if you get through the day without moaning, groaning, bitching, grousing, or complaining.

Still, I find things surprisingly smooth in a lot of ways, and the stock market, for example, has been reassuring. I believe we have been taught patience and are putting it into effect, collectively, so that not much is phasing us. I am seeing the value of the opposition as an astrological aspect. It tends to balance, to give a sense of proportion or perspective, as Marc Edmund Jones has pointed out.

Also, as mentioned yesterday or the day before, the pattern for our solar system, as viewed from our planet, has turned into a Locomotive shaped chart, one of the more fortunate ones. With Mars heading the locomotive in the persistent but quiet sign Cancer, our motto might be "keeping on keeping on."

We approach a New Moon on Friday. The last days of an Old Moon often are better when one relaxes a bit and takes extra rest.

Friendship can be good under the old adage that misery loves company. Chatting casually yields casual support.

You will sense when someone is a pretender, insincere, or looking down on other people from a presumed higher standpoint which is lower in reality. You can still keep things friendly with him or her. Such people need someone to trust.

However, there are indications that someone in your orbit is veering toward destructive tendencies, perhaps wanting to hurt someone or get vengeance. Hopefully this can be moderated, calmed, or humored to a point where it is harmless.

Someone who grabs your attention, either because pleasant to look upon or otherwise, stimulates you toward spiritual rapture in ways you couldn't have foreseen. Through our bodies we serve the Highest.

Of course it is better to avoid overindulgence, yet you may feel you deserve and could enjoy unusual pleasures of eating.

You sense that you are near a fresh beginning if you can only be gently aware of what is involved.

People, organizations or things which are untrustworthy should be noted and then dismissed. You just don't need them and if they think they need you they need to unlearn that. People see false lights which lead toward loss.

Doing simple things at home is recommended. Today the upper stories, rather than the lower or basement, are where you will be protected. Symbolically that suggests keeping your sights high while approaching a new lunar cycle.

{Thursday} /Calm Amid the Routine\

Cosmic Piper

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