Sunday, September 20, 2009

Forecast for Monday 21 September 2009

Monday 21 September 2009

~Secrets: Dirty or Clean and Sterling~

As I write, on Sunday, although the moon is in the Via Combusta I had a sweet afternoon, with fascinating human beings interacting in specially pleasing ways. This was moon-sextile-Venus while in that planet's sign Libra.

Today, Monday, Venus is in Scorpio and still in the Via Combusta. The sextile with Venus is fading, as appropriate for a back-to-work day. So there could be a letdown, but as always let's look for the best potentials so we can actualize them.

There is an emphasis on finding and knowing the truth about things. The sun's square with Pluto can be an impatient revealer of secrets. At the lowest, let's say, this could be using a private detective to spy on a mate. It could be a peeping Tom. It could be a dirty joke which backfires. Pluto can be a nasty planet, or else a salacious one. Pornography hidden in a desk drawer. Wholesomely, it could be serious scientific research in any field, even startling discovery.

Curiosity could be intense. This could be healthy or unhealthy. The secrets of nature or of the occult are worth investigating for their own sake and for personal benefit. It is well to be aware of the movements and motives of one's neighbors, perhaps, but not to be spying and gossiping all the time. Prying and peering could become an unhealthy obsession. Even if you find secrets, or they turn up, it is well to avoid premature judgment. People have their own reasons for doing things which make sense to them if not to you.

You could take part in a public discussion which clears the air or makes plain to someone benighted what is really true. Or at least it could get your viewpoint across for someone to consider. You care about or are drawn toward someone who may not have very much, although you have shared something like a home or homey space with this person. He or she wants to be with you more than you realize.

You are able to sort out what is truly important and stay with it, rather than get lost in side issues. But at times these latter may seem compelling, as if tempting or distracting you. So it is well to realize that your career is unfolding along lines you understand and have already worked out. Then you can avoid the distractions and protect your integrity.

Something to which you have been committed a long time, and to which you intend to be committed the rest of your life, will glorify and satisfy you deeply when you are loyal to it. Its call on you is smooth and easy once you get into the rhythm of fulfilling what it entails. Then you will feel better about everything, and (Venus trine Pluto) the means you need to carry on will turn up dramatically.

{Monday} ~Secrets: Dirty or Clean and Sterling~

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