Monday, October 16, 2023

Tuesday October 17 ^Contemplative Reliance on the Harmonious^

Tuesday October 17    ^Contemplative Reliance on the Harmonious^

This is one of those times when (a) the news is bad, (b) we are at the peak of the |difficult third of this week|, but (c) we have beautiful, reassuring symbols from the positions of the four planets we use for them. I will not pretend that those symbols completely obliterate the hard stuff but let's take a mildly optimistic stance.

Still, on the hard side: Mars is opposing Jupiter, a warlike aspect that happened during 9/11/2001 and the days following. Venus remains opposite Saturn, the grievance aspect: "Why is the world (the Israelis, the Muslims) so unjust?" The sun and Mercury are squaring Pluto: A desire to settle the score through revenge. We need to find higher, more spiritual ways of responding to and experiencing thes aspects.

"A Welsh harp" "denotes equanimity, evenness of temper, and regularity of conduct. There can be passivity and a love of the harmonious in all things." May such trends and instincts live within soldiers and non-soldiers on all sides to modify or eliminate the warlike climate.

"A woodland scene, at the back of which stands a tower upon a hill." Let's hope this could be one refuge or another for the war-weary. The keyword is Contemplation. For those of us not ravaged by fighting it could represent "the ascent of high places as success of a quiet order."

"The clear blue sky covered with stars" could indicate "a wanderer over the earth; an explorer or astronomer who could make great discoveries." We do not gaze at the stars often enough.

"A youth holding a lighted candle" "is a symbol of a true contact with inner and transcendental realms of reality." There could be "an unquenchable and irresistible confidence in the goodness and integrity of all things." The keyword is Reliance.

For a dimmer, or perhaps more "realistic" view of things, you might read ore-read Mondays' post, "Revisiting the current Epoch."

{Tuesday} ^Contemplative Reliance on the Harmonious^

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio-->Sagittarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third of this week is at its peak (lasting until Wednesday evening)

/moon goes void-of-course at 8:44a PT | 11:44a ET | 3:44p UT

until it enters Sagittarius at 12:38p PT | 3:38p ET | 7:38p UT

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