Thursday, October 12, 2023

Message for Friday 13 October 2023 }Collapse or Protective Efficiency}

Message for Friday 13 October 2023

}Collapse or Protective Efficiency}

I am always optimistic in these forecasts because under all circumstances, including astrological ones, we need to maintain hope, and create, by anticipation, a favorable future for ourselves with the help of G*d's mercy. 

However, there are an unusual number of warning indications. First, it's a Friday the 13th, which is not entirely a superstition. Second, some Muslim or Hamas-oriented groups have declared that today could be a "jihad" day for them in support of Palestinians and against Israel (which they regard as having been cruelly oppressive and unfair for decades). Some who take this warning seriously recommend avoiding public spaces, even in the U. S. Third, some astrologers (not so much myself) regard eclipses as fateful, and there is a solar eclipse exact on Saturday. Fourth, all four of the symbols, in the regular daily formula, are somewhat forbidding, and two mention soldiers explicitly.

"A soldier going through his drill" "denotes one who, with military proclivities and ambitious of military honors, will be unfortunate in that calling; if engaged in active service, either killed or wounded." And so let us say to those on both sides, "Avoid active service!" 

"A bridge in a broken and dilapidated condition spanning over the dry bed of a river" sounds like what Palestinians in Gaza are experiencing, with supply routes and energy cut off. The keyword is Collapse. "His resources will run dry a short notice; he will be deserted by friends; and form projects only to see them fall through as he works along a false trail." Of course this could apply to both sides in this futile conflict.

I hesitate to encourage any warfare, but the second "soldier" symbol is more favorable: "A soldier prepared for battle" "defines a man of ready spirit, quick to respond to the calls of duty and honor, with noble instincts and well-disciplined habits." "A ready, willing friend and redoubtable opponent." The keyword is Efficiency.

What is the result? "A broken bottle and spilled perfume." At worst of course this could be spilled blood; let us pray that it shall not be. "This is a symbol of man's real power in making his permanent impact on others, dramatized at each moment of issue and crisis by a completeness of the self's flow out and into every last ramification of the given experience." At worst this could be "witless dissipation of every resource of self and society" but at best "persistence of creative effort and utter fidelity to the inner essence of selfhood." The keyword, Permeation, reminds us that the perfume of life can overcome anything malodorous.

{Friday} {Collapse or Protective Efficiency}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Libra (With either side of the scales over-weighted we have Collapse, but if some agency -- the U. S. or Egypt or (. . .) -- could intervene appropriately the outcome could be better for all. We need the figure with bandaged eyes who ignores the sins of both sides to arrive at justice plus kindness. In that direction, a wonderful Israeli, Isaac Saul, wrote a compassionate piece on Twitterespectful of both sides though still unsure what an efficient solution could be.

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