Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Message for Wednesday 4 October 2023 }Advantage in Truth Alone{

 Message for Wednesday 4 October 2023

}Advantage in Truth Alone{

"A man has a bow in his hand; but no arrow." "When an opportunity presents itself, he finds himself unable to turn it to advantage." Yet he has "splendid parts and excellent abilities" (the bow).

Au contraire, "A dagger" indicates "danger to oneself or to one's enemy" because of "a quarrelsome, argumentative nature given over to impulsive actions. He is always on the alert to attack to oppose, to argue." Donald Trump was born with Mars at this degree. No matter what one thinks of his policies or presidential actions, none would deny that this describes a major part of his character. "Very executive, but by no means constructive, he is liable to go through life like a tornado, remarked but not esteemed." 

Putting those two paragraphs together, it is easy to get a description of DJT's present legal imbroglio: He has the bow, and the dagger, but still is unable to use them to advantage in this case. Yet the tornado continues.

"An eagle and a large white dove are turning one into the other." We have the warmongers and we have those who want a cease-fire and peace negotiations. Count me firmly in the second category. Currently in the House we have a semi-battle involving Matt Gaetz on one side and Speaker McCarthy on the other, with all the Democrats on the "eagle" side. We obviously need more dove and less eagle for the very survival of the human race. "Adeptness" as a keyword could only be adeptness if it prevents a nuclear war and ends the slaughter of innocents on both sides.

"A country scene: On the right hand a large tract of land enveloped in gloom and fog; on the left the scenery is all sunshine." Charubel says this "denotes a person of a discriminative mind, very truthful, and very decided for the truth, and that exclusively." Sounds to me like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Or like a man from a couple thousand years ago: "My task is to bear witness to the truth. For this was I born; for this I came into the world, and all who are not deaf to truth listen to my voice." --Jesus, in John Chapter 18

{Wednesday} {Advantage in Truth Alone}

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Gemini

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week ends at 3:42a PT | 6:42a ET | 10:42a UT

/moon goes void-of-course at 11:36p PT | 2:36a(Th) ET | 6:36a(Th) UT


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