Friday, October 13, 2023

Messages for Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 October 2023 Saturday: }Lazy or Cheerful Impact{

Messages for Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 October 2023

Saturday 14: }Lazy or Cheerful Impact{

Not an easy time! Some astrologers will point to today's eclipse (time below) as the source of all troubles. I do not accept that, having observed over decades that eclipses mean no more than any other New or Full moon. However, other factors, too many to mention now, are difficult, and this is the final day of an Old Moon when energy and optimism are low, often requiring extra rest.

"A man asleep by the side of some money-bags" is wanting in duty, vigilance or energy, dreaming of the past or future. 

"A man whose handwriting imitates all kinds of hands" is "a painter in words" though he might without realizing it be slanderous, pointing out others' faults as discerned through their "handwriting" or the way they communicate on Twitter or elsewhere. 

"A broken bottle and spilled perfume" could be "witless dissipation of every resource of self and society" or, much better, "real power in making a permanent impact on others" through "irrevocability of self-expression" and "divine determination to be significant at all costs." The keyword is Permeation.

"A man and woman are playing together, with fruits, flowers and wine upon a table beside them." There can be joy, youthfulness, animal spirits and mirthfulness. Some are "cheerful companions or successful lovers." Money comes and goes. The keyword is Pleasure.

{Saturday} {Lazy or Cheerful Impact}

Moon in Libra

< moon in the Via Combusta (loss of morale during a cosmic reshuffling, as in Gaza prominently) until Sunday night

New Moon of Libra (which is also a solar eclipse) at 10:56a PT | 1:56p ET | 5:56p UT


Sunday 15: ~Helpfulness~

Venus "refrained" from completing a sextile aspect with Mars (closest to exact about two weeks ago) and now that aspect, though still there, is separating. "A man and woman are standing with their backs to each other." This could be reserve and bashfulness. One is "not unsocial, but awkward with others, particularly the opposite sex." The manner is "retired, cautious, sensitive and delicate." The keyword is Modesty.

"A house-raising" might seem like a sarcastic jest to homeless Palestinians, or it could be that some of them at least have hopes of a new home somewhere. "There is joy in common enterprise, and a sense of well-being in the sure dependence one may place on family and neighbors whenever an emergency arises." The keyword is Helpfulness.

"The sun shining brightly" is said to denote "a public character who will be noted in his day and whose presence among mankind will be considered essential. The world will ever appreciate the presence of such an one." My personal candidate is Robert F. Kennedy; who is yours? We obviously need someone to straighten out the Israel-Palestine mess. Where is he or she? Can we look also to an invisible prophet or savior? 

Charubel says that "The clear blue sky covered with stars" "denotes one possessed of numerous gifts; a wanderer over the earth, an explorer, a discoverer; one who will make great discoveries."

{Sunday} ~Helpfulness~

Cosmic Piper

Moon in Scorpio

beginning at 4:05a PT | 8:05a ET | 12:05p UT

(void-of-course in Libra before that)

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