Friday, March 17, 2023

Weekend, and Week of March 18-24, Saturday-Friday

Week of March 18-24 (Saturday through Friday)

People are magnetic, but to what effect? It may not be clear. There is a mystic, inspirational bent, with a need to also keep feet on the ground. Unreliable people may be boon companions with unstable notions which you have to take with a grain of salt. "A comedian entertaining a group" offers release at least. Drugs and alcohol have well-known limits (and perils if excessive). 

"Two prim spinsters," with the keyword Divorcement, suggest that one can be wisely alone at times without being really lonely.

Energy and quivering intensity could could be directed toward a goal if well-defined. Personal passions such as hate, rage, fear, could get a hold on you so it is wise to avoid vindictiveness or revenge, grudges or "getting even." Let justice be restored judiciously and calmly for better results. Women may rule or control men effectively in ways that are not resented.

A detective quality makes you suspicious, or else your sharp mind can just show you how things really stand without resentment. 

Spiritual leadership skills allow you to "speak as one having authority," or else you appreciate such authority in a spiritual, occult or religious leader. There is "spiritual insight into affairs of earth" and "a practical viewpoint about ideas of heaven" (Grant Lewi). If your authority is real, you "have a grip on the hearts and minds of people that is invaluable."

You could be a builder or architect, figuratively, of some grand scheme, even if you do that behind the scenes, with caution. Spring is here, quickening us. With Mars trine Saturn, "you know when to fight and when to run away, when to push your affairs and when to let them bide their time." (GL)

Character and personal worth are strong, plus a cheerful and optimistic nature most of the time. "A comedian entertaining a group" is also "successfully expressing himself in two realms at once" so he may evoke laughter but also wisdom.

"The first mockingbird in Spring" may be ahead of himself, trying to be everything at once, but that is inspiring; and as reported in the Thursday report we are coming into a more promising zodiacal year beginning March 20, Monday. 

{Week of March 18-24}

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 18: Moon in Aquarius

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us until Monday

Sunday 19: Moon in Aquarius-->Pisces

|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until Monday

/moon goes void-of-course at 3:34a PT | 6:34a ET | 10:34a UT

until it enters Pisces at 8:13a PT | 11:13a ET | 3:13p UT

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