Friday, March 3, 2023

Message for Weekend of March 4-5 and Coming Months

March: Astrological Weather Improving

I don't know, guys, but thank you for reading these reports. Sometimes it is hard going. I wanted to write long-term forecasts on the weekends and shall try that today but luck does not seem to be with me in terms of giving me the time to write a full report. I shall "play it by ear."

I realize that many will not care to hear about long-term aspects like Saturn square Uranus, but that one has been super-important and it has just ended. It lasted from January 11, 2020, through January 23, 2023. Guess what were the dates of the "global pandemic"? You got it, almost exactly the same. 

In fact, to make  my job on a Friday late-afternoon easier so I can TGIF, I remembered that I already wrote about this! Here it is from early February:

Is the Covid pandemic over? 

It's a fraught topic. In my favor: about a year ago I looked at the situation and said here that it might end by January 2023. It was already getting "better" in most people's experience. 

Here was, and is, my astrological reasoning:

Some say the pandemic began, officially, on March 11, 2020, but its beginnings in China were detected in December 2019 and it was named Covid 19 by the World Health Organization on February 12, 2020. What astrological indication might correlate with this? (Astrology does not show causation in the ordinary meaning of that word but it shows correlation.) Well, the big-culprit aspect Saturn square Uranus began on January 11, 2020, just before the official designations. These are very slow-moving planets and that square has continued for three years, ending finally on January 23, 2023, a couple weeks ago. (A neighbor who has been very stringent over masking was seen on the street without a mask twice in the past two weeks. Hallelujah!) (I always use a ten-degree orb for major aspects, as did the spectacular astrologers Ptolemy and Marc Edmund Jones.)

Astrologer Reinhold Ebertin says of this aspect: "great psychological tension, inflexibility, provoking behavior, contradiction, dispute, animosity, estrangement, separation, bereavement, illness, hardships, formative interference in destiny (prison); use of force or suffering of violence, nonsubmission, struggle for existence, backlash from past mistakes, disputes, resistance, losses, mental and emotional pain, sorrow, danger of accidents or mishaps." 

Does all that sound familiar? There are many now, experts, who insist that we should not just "memory-hole" all that but investigate the governmental and medical agencies responsible for harmful lockdowns, masking, and enforced vaccination. Such investigation, even legal action, is being done by some very brave people. (It is not really "politics," it is an attempt to save human freedom, but to avoid the appearance of politics I'll leave it at that.)

And that fateful square in the sky is not all. Saturn, the most difficult planet or "greater malefic," rules the signs Capricorn and Aquarius and has been strong in those consecutive signs since January 2018. Further, by ruling other planets in those two signs, and then the planets ruled by those planets in turn, Saturn has often been the "sole dispositor" of the seven anciently-known planets. It was playing that role when the virus became known in China in December 2019, and in February and March 2020 when WHO named and declared the pandemic. (Except for Venus having gone into her own sign a few days before 3/11/20, to be exact.)

This was a "double whammy!" Not only one of the worst, or rather hardest, of all aspects, Saturn square Uranus, but the dominance, by rulership and disposition, of most of the planets by Saturn. 

Then look ahead two years to the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on February 24, 2022. The Saturn-Uranus square is still there, while Saturn as top dispositor rules Mars, Venus and Mercury in Capricorn. Let's hope that the amelioration of these celestial configurations (pointed out in the next paragraph) will facilitate the peace negotiations we so desperately need to prevent World War III. 

Saturn has again been Sole Dispositor since December 20, 2022, and continues thus until March 3 when, finally, Mercury moving into Pisces shall release the planets it rules from Saturn's dominion and then, even more conclusively, until March 7 when Saturn itself moves into Pisces, losing much of its power, ruling no planets. 

So my good news is that we have something to look forward to in early March! (And now we are there!) Probably people will not be dancing in the streets, though the sun, Mercury and Saturn shall be in Pisces the sign of the feet and dancing, but things should be less fraught with tension and worry.

Further, beginning March 20, day of the Vernal or Spring Equinox, we begin a new astrological year which looks a lot less difficult than the previous challenging one we are winding up. More about that next weekend.

If you study or re-read the above, and memorize some of those dates, you will know more about what is "really" going on than most astrologers, who (1) are often very sloppy and (2) do not use a full 10-degree orb for major aspects as Ptolemy did and (3) give little or no attention to the planetary dispositors. This excludes them from major insights.

I hope your life is starting to seem easier for you to manage and streaming more benefits to you.

Cosmic Piper

Saturday 4: Moon in Leo
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week is with us

Sunday 5: Moon in Leo-->Virgo 
|Karmic sobering, challenging third| of this week continues until early Tuesday morning
/moon is void-of-course for just 20 minutes, 7:20-40p PT | 10:20-40p ET | whereupon it enters Virgo

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